The Human Body
Week 2
I am different than flowers
The Human Body: We begin discovering the preciousness of our humanity by enjoying that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In this block we explore how we were made in contrast to the grass, plants and trees. God has created us in ways that are unique to other living things.
Point to emphasize
God created the flowers. Flowers are beautiful, colorful with a fragrant smell but they are not at all like us. (Discover differences in physical appearance, anatomy, locomotion, and functions of physical features.)
Genesis 1:29; 2:9
Sample content and conversation with children
Have the children look at flowers. Lead them to admire their color, their shape, their texture, their fragrance. They are so beautiful! Ask-Are you the same as these flowers? How are you different? Explore with the children the following facts:
- Petals versus hair. Have them talk about characteristics and benefits of hair.
Do you know why we have hair on our heads? Our hair keeps our head warm and it also provides a little cushioning for our skull. Eyelashes protect your eyes by decreasing the amount of light and dust that go into them, and eyebrows protect your eyes from sweat dripping down from your forehead.
- Leaves versus arms. Have them talk about arms and hands
We have two arms. Each arm can help us reach all kinds of things. Each arm has an upper arm, a forearm, a wrist and a hand. What are other things we can do with our arms? Let the children answer. Can you imagine if you had no arms? Every task would be so difficult! Let’s try to reach for a book without using our arms. Impossible, right?
- Stem versus body. We have a physical body with which we can touch, smell, hear, see and taste. A flower can’t do any of that!
We are the only in the whole creation that has two arms, two hands, a body and hair! A flower is beautiful but I prefer having hair, two arms and a body! I am happy God created me this way!
Suggested activities/games
- Use a ruler and measuring tape and explore your arms together and explore all the movements your arms can do.
- Talk about hair (grows and need to be cut, you need to brush/comb it).
- Explore your five senses.
Suggested songs
Hold out your hands! Aren’t they wonderful?
Not one sparrow