Topics, Stories and Lessons – Elementary

Pre-schoolK-1st (Elementary)2nd/3rd (Intermediate)4th/5th (Advanced)6th Grade
Block 1 — Adam to Noah  (PDF)
Week 1 (8/11)Adam—Being the First Man
Week 2 (8/25)Adam—Having Important Responsibilities
Week 3 (9/1)Cain and Abel—Two Brothers, Two Choices
Week 4 (9/8)Seth and Enosh—Following God’s Way
Week 5 (9/15)Enoch—Walking with God and Talking with God
Week 6 (9/22)God’s Family Line
Week 7 (9/29)Noah—Following His Forefathers and Becoming a Righteous Man
Week 8 (10/6)Noah—Making the Ark Exactly How God Instructed Him
Week 9 (10/13)Noah and His Family—Receiving God’s Care
Week 10 (10/20)Noah—Being Diligent in Caring for the Ark and for Those Inside the Ark
Block 2 — Noah to Isaac
Week 11 (10/27)Noah—God Blessing Noah and Noah’s Children
Week 12 (11/3)Abraham—God Having a New Beginning (Revised on 3/4/2021)
Week 13 (11/10)Abraham—Depending on God
Week 14 (11/17)Abraham—Receiving God as a Guest
Week 15 (11/24)Abraham—God Keeping His Promise
Week 16 (12/1)Abraham—Responding and Obeying God
Week 17 (12/8)Isaac—Having a Life of Inheriting, Resting and Enjoying
Week 18 (12/15)Isaac—Trusting in God’s Ways (Revised on 2/23/2021)
Week 19 (12/22)Rebekah—Being Kind and Diligent (Revised on 3/4/2021)
Week 20 (12/29)Isaac—Keeping Peace and Being Blessed for It
Block 3 — Jacob and Joseph
Week 21 (1/5)Jacob—Being Born the Second
Week 22 (1/12)Jacob—Chosen by God
Week 23 (1/26)Jacob—Becoming Israel (Revised on 2/17/2021)
Week 24 (2/2)Joseph—The Shepherd (Revised on 2/17/2021)
Week 25 (2/9)Joseph—Trustworthy (Revised on 3/3/2021)
Week 26 (2/23)Joseph—The Dreamer
Week 27 (3/2)Joseph—Diligent and Responsible
Week 28 (3/9)Joseph—Helping Others while in Prison
Week 29 (3/16)Joseph—Hard Worker and Reliable
Week 30 (3/23)Joseph—The Ruler Who Took Care of His Family
Block 4 — Moses
Week 31 Moses—The First Period of His Life
Week 32 Moses—Growing Up as the Son of Pharaoh’s Daughter
Week 33 Moses—Shepherding the Flock
Week 34 Moses—Listening to God
Week 35 Moses—Aaron Becoming Moses’ Spokesman
Week 36 Moses—Not Giving Up (Revised on 5/11/2021)
Week 37 Moses—Receiving the Law
Week 38 Moses—Caring for the Israelites
Week 39 Moses—Building the Tabernacle
Week 40 Moses—Retelling the Law
Block 5 — Aaron to Ruth
Week 41 Aaron and His Sons—Set Apart to Serve God
Week 42 The Levites
Week 43 Joshua—The Leader
Week 44 Caleb—Strong and Determined Companion
Week 45 Judah Helping Simeon
Week 46 Deborah—God Raising Up a Female as a Judge of Israel
Week 47 Gideon—Listening and Obeying God’s Word
Week 48 Samson—Taking the Way of a Nazarite
Week 49 Ruth—Making a Choice
Week 50 Boaz—Caring for Ruth
Block 6 — Samuel to David
Week 51 Hannah—Cooperating with God by Prayer
Week 52 Samuel—Chosen by God
Week 53 Samuel—Trained by Eli
Week 54 Samuel—Caring for What God Wanted
Week 55 David—A Humble Shepherd
Week 56 David—Taking Care of His Responsibilities
Week 57 David—His Conduct
Week 58 David—Respecting Authority
Week 59 David—A Psalmist
Week 60 Jonathan—A Friend for David
Block 7 — Salomon, Kings and Prophets
Week 61 Solomon—Receiving the Charge from His Father
Week 62 Solomon—Asking Jehovah for an Understanding Heart
Week 63 Jehoshaphat—Fearing God and Behaving before Him
Week 64 Hezekiah—Doing What Was Right and Being Faithful Before Jehovah His God
Week 65 Josiah—Loving and Following God at an Early Age
Week 66 Daniel and His Companions—God Blessing Them with Knowledge and Insight
Week 67 Daniel—Knowing How to Properly Ask for Something
Week 68 Daniel—Having the Right Companions
Week 69 Daniel—Praying to God for God’s Interests
Week 70 Daniel—Reading the Bible
Block 8 — Ezra / Nehemiah / Esther
Week 71 (2/25)Zerubbabel and Nehemiah—Being Strong Governors and Very Able Leaders
Week 72 (3/3)Ezra—Excellent Character with a Good Reputation
Week 73 (3/10)Ezra—Setting His Heart
Week 74 (3/17)Ezra—A Scribe
Week 75 (3/24)Ezra—Taught the Word of God
Week 76 (3/31)Nehemiah—A Cupbearer and a Pleasant Person
Week 77 (4/7)Nehemiah—Aggressive in Volunteering Himself to Help
Week 78 (4/14)Nehemiah—Applying Himself to Work
Week 79 (4/21)Nehemiah—Seeking Help
Week 80 (4/28)Esther—Obeying Mordecai
Block 9 — Jesus
Week 81 (5/5)Jesus—Obeying Willingly as a Child
Week 82 (5/12)Jesus—Advancing in Wisdom and Stature
Week 83 (5/19)Jesus—Pleasing His Heavenly Father
Week 84 (6/2)Jesus—the One Who Forgives
Week 85 (6/9)Jesus—Loving Everyone
Week 86 (6/16)Jesus—Showing Compassion
Week 87 (6/23)Jesus—Including Others
Week 88 (6/30)Jesus—His Followers (1)—the Twelve Disciples
Week 89 (7/7)Jesus—His Followers (2)—the Women
Week 90 (7/14)Jesus—Caring for Little Children
Block 10 — Apostles / Paul
Week 91 (7/21)Peter—Boldly Honoring and Acknowledging God
Week 92 (7/28)Philip—Sharing the Good News
Week 93 (8/4)Stephen—Being Well-Attested
Week 94 (8/11)Peter—Being with Others who are Different than Himself
Week 95Saul of Tarsus—Taking the Opportunity to Learn
Week 96Paul and Silas—Singing and Praying While in Prison
Week 97Timothy—Growing up Learning God’s Word
Week 98Timothy—Being a Pattern in Word and Conduct
Week 99Aquila and Priscilla—Having an Open Home
Week 100Apostle John—Being Faithful to the End