Elementary Level, Block 2, Week 11: Noah—God Blessing Noah and Noah’s Children

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Elementary Level, Block 2—Noah to Isaac

Week 11
Noah—God Blessing Noah and Noah’s Children

Point to Emphasize: We as children are also included with our parents; God’s promises to our parents can also become promises to us.

Reference Reading: Genesis 9

Memory Verse: For to you is the promise and to your children… (Acts 2:39)

Story Sample

Until now, we have been talking about some special men. Can you name some of them? [Let the children answer.] Right! Adam, Abel, Enosh, Enoch and Noah. [Emphasize the name of each one as you speak.] It has been so awesome to hear how special these men were to God! But if you have been paying attention, you have seen that until now, God has been so happy with only one man at a time. But things are about to change! Listen up!

We’ve heard a little bit of the story of Noah, right? Noah built the ark just as God instructed him, and then Noah and his children were inside the ark while it was raining. When it stopped raining, they came outside of the ark. God had a special instruction for them when they came out of the Ark. He told them to multiply and to fill the earth. Now, let’s look in the Bible to read what God told them. Genesis 9:8 says, “Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him…” Oh! Did you hear that? The Bible says that God spoke to Noah and his sons! WOW! This is very exciting! Until now, God had only spoken to Noah, but now, the Bible says that God spoke to Noah and his sons!! You see, Noah was the father of a family. He had three sons; Ham, Shem, and Japheth. So now, God spoke to Noah, the father, AND to Noah’s children.

Let’s see what God told Noah and Noah’s sons. God told them that He will never bring that much water on the earth again. God will never flood the earth again, and as a promise to Noah and to Noah’s children, God put a rainbow in the sky. Have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky? A rainbow is a precious, colorful arch that can sometimes be seen across the sky when it rains. When God set a rainbow in the sky, He was telling Noah and Noah’s children that He is a faithful God. Everything that God promises is true forever! And did you know, that everything that God promised to Noah, He also promised to Noah’s children? Noah’s children followed their parents and participated in what God promised to Noah. Now the children were included with their parents in participating in what God has promised!

Just imagine if you were one of Noah’s sons. And while you are growing up, you see your dad talking to God. You also see your dad building the ark and you even help him to build that ark. Then, when the earth starts to flood, you all go inside the ark with your dad and family. When it stops raining, you all come out of the ark and you see the rainbow in the sky. Wow, that rainbow is amazing! But, how would you feel if God said that the promise of the rainbow is not for you, but only for your dad?

Let me ask you something, have you ever walked near a Lord’s Day meeting where all the young people and the adults are meeting? Well, where I grew up, children’s meeting was right next to where the adults and young people were. There was a big window we could see through, and I remember how we would see them so happy and full of joy singing and praying. I certainly couldn’t wait until the day I could join them. Maybe you have seen a big meeting or a home meeting. Well, everything that God has promised to your parents and to all the ones that are in those meetings, He has promised to you too! [Please, add a story of you wanting to participate in what your parents are doing, i.e. passing out tracts, playing an instrument in the meeting, reading the Bible, learning some hymns…]

I am so happy that everything God promised to Noah, God also promised to Noah’s children. This means that everything God has promised to your parents and to all of us serving with you in children’s meetings, God has promised to all of you too! Don’t think that God only speaks to your parents and that you are not included. You are your parents’ continuation. God’s promises are for you too! Just like Noah’s sons had to wait for some time while they were growing, you also have to wait for some time as you grow among us. But, as you continue to grow with us, I want you to know that there is no better place to be; there are no better things to do than to follow your parents. Let’s be like Noah’s sons! We have been included in what God has promised to our parents! I hope you say to yourself today, “I want to hear all the promises that God has given to my parents! Everything they have will one day be mine too!!”

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