Elementary Level, Block 2, Week 19: Rebekah—Being Kind and Diligent

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Elementary Level, Block 2—Noah to Isaac

Week 19
RebekahBeing Kind and Diligent (Revised on 3/4/2021)

Point to Emphasize: We can be those like Rebekah who are kind and diligent.

Reference Reading: Genesis 24

Memory Verse: And be kind to one another, tenderhearted… (Ephesians 4:32a)

Story Sample:

Last Week 1we learned that Abraham wanted to find a wife for his son Isaac. He told his servant to travel a great distance back to the land of his relatives to look for a wife among his people. The servant did as Abraham requested. He looked to God to lead him to the right young woman and God was faithful. For many weeks the servant traveled through the desert back to Abraham’s homeland.

In this land lived a young woman by the name of Rebekah. She was the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother. The Bible tells us the story when the servant met Rebekah for the first time. We will see how Rebekah was the perfect wife for Isaac. Rebekah was kind and diligent.

Rebekah went to draw water from a well as she always did. Before she came to the well, Abraham’s servant was already there. The servant asked Rebekah for a drink from her pitcher of water. She immediately gave it to him and then generously drew water from the well for all of his camels. It was hard work for her to draw water for ten camels to drink, but she willingly offered to do it. She was so kind to take care of this servant and his many camels.

Today if we want water, we go to the refrigerator or we go and grab a water bottle, right? In those days, you needed to go to the well to draw water from a well and then take it home. Rebekah was very considerate and generous. She not only drew water for her own use, but also for Abraham’s servant and for all his camels as well!

If you look closely, you will see that what Rebekah did was amazing! She was only asked to do one thing. But, she not only did the one thing, she did another thing for him! And the second thing she did required much more effort than the first! She was kind, considerate and generous! She did beyond what she was asked!

I remember the many times when my mom called me to do something for her. She asked me to pick up my notebook and crayons from the dining table as we were about to eat. Sometimes, it was hard to obey. But sometimes, I would willingly go and do it. Even more, when she called me to pick up my things, do you know what I would do? I would not only pick up my things, but I would pick up my sister’s things that were on the table as well. I would then help my mom set the table! I was not asked to do all of that, but I would do it willingly as I knew how busy she was preparing the food for us to eat. I was being kind and considerate towards my mom, just like Rebekah! [Storyteller, insert your own example.]

Abraham’s servant found the best wife for Isaac. She was truly the best match for him. Rebekah was one of the relatives of Abraham. She was not sloppy; rather, she was diligent, kind, generous and considerate, doing beyond what she was asked to do. She cooperated with what the servant and Abraham wanted and followed the arrangement of her family. Ultimately, she went with the servant willingly and married Isaac. Isaac surely got the best wife!

This story of Rebekah really makes me want to be such a person who is kind and diligent and that at the end makes the best choice.

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