Elementary Level, Block 6—Samuel to David
Week 56
David—Taking Care of His Responsibilities
Point to Emphasize: We should be responsible.
Reference Reading: 1 Samuel 17:12-40
Memory Verse: …To obey is better than sacrifice… (1 Samuel 15:22b)
Story Sample
While David was young, for many years there was a war between the children of Israel and a people called the Philistines. When the time came to go off and battle the Philistines, do you think David got to go? Noooo! His oldest three brothers got to go off to fight the enemy. And what did David get to do? Stay home and take care of the sheep. This wasn’t quite as exciting, was it? But David did what he was told. He took the best care of those sheep at Bethlehem, where the sheep were. He was an obedient, responsible son. [Storyteller, give an example of someone who was the youngest in the family and felt like they never got to do what the older siblings did, BUT accepted it and did not complain.]
But the day came when Jesse, David’s father, asked him to do something special. He asked him to take some food to his brothers on the battle line. I’m sure he was excited to go off on such an adventure! But did he just take off without taking care of things? No. He first made sure that the sheep were taken care of by another keeper.
When David reached the battlefield, there were so many things around to distract him. But, did he get distracted by all things happening around him? No, he stayed on task. Remember, his dad, Jesse, had sent him with the specific task of providing food for his brothers. So David took care of his assignment first. He gave the food he had brought to the keeper of the equipment who would distribute the food properly; only then could he go off to find his brothers.
Now, when I was young, one day my dad woke me up and told me we were going to Red Rock Canyon that day. I was soooo excited, thinking about all those big giant red rocks to climb on and caves to explore—it would be so much fun! So, I jumped out of bed and into my dad’s truck and off we went! When we got home late that afternoon though, my mom was there with the most disappointed look on her face. I had gone off without making my bed. I didn’t act very responsibly, did I? [Storyteller, give an example of carrying through with chores instead of being swept away by the excitement of something.]
David’s example is of someone who was very responsible and very obedient. He was not easily distracted from the task that his father gave him to complete. Now what are some things that you did last week that showed you were responsible? Who turned in their homework on time? Who may have forgotten to turn in their homework or do one of their chores one time this week? [Storyteller, use these everyday examples to talk with the children.] This coming week, let’s all remember David’s example and choose to be more responsible.