Elementary Level, Block 1—Adam to Noah
Week 6
God’s Family Line
Point to Emphasize: We can be thankful to be in a godly family.
Reference Reading: Genesis 4:16—5:32
Memory Verse: Train up a child according to the way he should go… (Proverbs 22:6a)
Story Sample
We have been talking a lot about family these past weeks, haven’t we? God wanted Adam and Eve to have a big family, a family that loved Him and followed Him. God is very interested in our families, and He wants our whole family to love Him and take His way. But some families don’t take God’s way.
Let’s go back to the first family. Who were the first mom and dad? Right, Adam and Eve. [Write this on the board.] And who were some of their children? [Let them name Abel, but only put the names Seth and Cain on the board.] Now, I want to write these two especially, because they show that there are two ways a family can go. First, there is Cain. Remember, Cain was the one who did what he wanted to. He didn’t follow his parents’ instructions. He went on to have children. Even though the children were mentioned in the Bible, eventually you read nothing about them in the Bible. Things just got worse and worse for them. They weren’t making God happy. They were just doing whatever they wanted to make themselves happy. They weren’t taking care of other people.
Then there was Seth. We know that he had a son named Enosh. He actually had many sons. But Enosh is the one we have talked about. After his son, his grandson, and his great grandson, there was Enoch, his great-great grandson. Last week we talked about Enoch. And this family continues all the way into the New Testament and even to today. The people in this group told their children about God and they listened, so this line is for God.
I am so glad to say that my family is from this line. I only know as far back as my great grandparents but I know that they told their children about God and their children followed them. Then, my grandparents had children and they did the same thing. They told my parents about God. And then my parents told ME about God. And they prayed for me. I am so happy to say that I can be on this side because I listened to my parents and followed them.
Many of you have families like this. I hope this week you will all go home and ask your parents to tell you about your relatives, those who love and follow God, and thank them for praying for you and for telling you the right way to behave. Maybe you could even ask them to read to you a little bit from the Bible each day so that someday you will know what to tell YOUR children.
Don’t you want to be on this line? [Point to chart.]
[Note to serving one: if there are children in your class who don’t come from believing families, encourage them to be the first to choose God in their family.]