Elementary Level, Block 4—Moses
Week 37
Moses—Receiving the Law
Point to Emphasize: We can be fine and detailed in all we do.
Reference Reading: Exodus 19—24
Memory Verse: Thus I will keep Your law continually, / Forever and ever. (Psalm 119:44)
Story Sample
Last week we learned that Moses didn’t give up when he went to Pharaoh. And because of this, after going TWELVE times, Pharaoh finally released all the children of Israel to return to the land that God had given to them. This is how they began what was to be a very long trip!
After three months of traveling, they came to a mountain. As they camped at the bottom of the mountain, God called Moses to go up the mountain to meet with Him. God wanted Moses to tell the people something important. Once again we see what a useful man Moses was to God. God could trust him to be the one to return down the mountain with exactly what God wanted to say to His people.
It is important to be fine, exact, and detailed. You all need to be this way at home, right? You need to follow your parent’s instructions exactly. Then at school, as you start to get homework, you will also have to be very detailed. My grandson is in the fourth grade and they did a special report on missions this year. The teacher gave very fine details about how they were to do this report. When he came home to tell his mom about the assignment, there were many details he missed, like how long the report should be, what the introduction and conclusion should have, and even when it was due. Oh my! He was not detailed at all! [Storyteller, use your own story of being detailed.]
So Moses was just the right person for God to call. After many years of education and training, he was not only strong and capable, but he was also very fine and detailed. He was able to clearly report back what God had said.
What God spoke to Moses is what we know today as the Law, the Ten Commandments, or the Ten Words. These commandments, or rules, are what your parents still teach you today. For example, they teach you to love God, to honor them, not to lie or steal, not to want what someone else has, and more. Your parents have been fine and detailed to continue to pass on to you the law God gave to them. Because of this, we can know who God is and what He wants us to do.
God spent 40 days and 40 nights giving Moses His law. That was a long time and a lot to remember! The law was very high and very detailed. It not only said not to steal, it also said exactly what to repay if someone did steal. It not only said to love God, it gave very fine details about how to worship Him. Moses had so much to remember!
I’m so glad that Moses was such a fine and detailed person. Today, thousands of years later, we can know God’s law through what Moses brought back from the mountain. I want to be this kind of person too! One who is detailed in everything I do and say! Don’t you?