Elementary Level, Block 10, Week 93: Stephen—Being Well-Attested

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Elementary Level, Block 10—Apostles / Paul

Week 93
Stephen—Being Well-Attested

Point to Emphasize: We can all be well-attested and happy to do any task assigned to us.

Reference Reading: Acts 6:1-7

Memory Verse: But brothers, look for seven well-attested men from among you… (Acts 6:3a)

Story Sample

We have heard about Peter who acknowledged God and then Philip who was eager to share the good news of Jesus with others. Today we will hear a story about Stephen who was well-attested.

Our verse today says that they were looking for seven well-attested men. To be well-attested means that when others consider what you do and say, they think and speak of you highly. There was a boy in my folks’ neighborhood who would see my dad out doing yard work and would come over to help. He was happy to do whatever my dad was doing. He would gladly rake up the leaves and grass cuttings into a neat pile. When my parents were away, he liked to help them out by watering the lawn and collecting the mail. He carried out his duty each day and he was so glad to do it even though his parents would not let him get paid for it. This made my parents think highly of him. [Storyteller, please tell your own story of a child whose conduct made him well-attested.]

Now, back to our verse. Why do you think that they were looking for seven well-attested men? [Let the children guess—maybe it was for a very important job that needed to be done.] They were looking for men who were known to be diligent in taking care of things for others. Sometimes it may be difficult to be dependable, trustworthy, and consistent. But when we are this way, like always picking up our toys, always helping to set the table, doing our chores, or helping others when there is a need, we become well-attested. Do you think you can become this kind of person in only one day? No, being well-attested takes time, because you need to prove that you can be found faithful in a number of different things.

Well, Stephen was chosen for a certain task along with six others! Stephen had proved (by how he took care of things) that he was just right for the task. These seven well-attested men were to take care of the daily distribution of food to the widows among them. You see, these widows did not have any family to provide meals for them and they were too old to go and work for themselves. So, Stephen along with six others were to make sure that the widows received the daily provisions that they needed. Stephen was quite happy to do this. He was always willing and glad to help out.

You know, sometimes we have been happy to do things for others because we liked the task. But maybe, if it is something we didn’t like to do… Well, we were not so happy about it. We frown instead of smiling if we are asked to clean up our younger sister’s toys. Maybe we shook our head when our dad asked us to do something we didn’t like. We did it, of course, because dad asked us to, but we were not happy about it.

But, you know, we can all be like Stephen! Whether he was asked to do something small or something important he was willing to help out. Stephen was a fine person to be around, and he was always glad to help out. I hope all of us would remember Stephen this week when we are asked to do something. We can all be just like him and become well-attested, too!

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