Elementary Level, Block 7, Week 70: Daniel—Reading the Bible

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Elementary Level, Block 7—Salomon, Kings and Prophets

Week 70
Daniel—Reading the Bible

Point to Emphasize: We want to be those who read and even memorize the Word of God.

Reading Reference: Daniel 9:2, 13; Jeremiah 25:11-12; 29:10-14

Memory Verse: In my heart I have treasured up Your word… (Psalm 119:11)

Story Sample:

Who can tell me what the Bible is? (The word of God!) Who can tell me who wrote the Bible? (God, but He wrote it through many men who loved Him.) Who can tell me why God wrote the Bible? (To tell us who He is and what He wants to do. We can know God by knowing the Bible.)

When you want to learn about something, you can go to a book, right? If you want to know about words, you can study the dictionary; if you want to learn about science, you study a science book. And, if you want to know about God, you go to the Bible!

In the last few weeks we have talked a lot about Daniel. He is such a good pattern to us! He knew how to study well, he treated others respectfully, he chose the right companions, and he prayed to God. And one more thing—he read the Bible.

In the book of Daniel, we are told that he understood things that were to happen to the people because of what he remembered reading in the Scriptures from the book of Jeremiah. Daniel also spoke of what he had remembered from reading the laws of Moses. So, we know he read the Bible. When he read it, he learned what God wanted to say to His people. God’s word caused Daniel to want the same thing that God wanted.

And not only did he read it, he remembered it. Sometimes I can read something, but later on I don’t always remember what I read. That’s why I like to memorize the Bible, so that I don’t forget. I think Daniel must have memorized some of it, too. Otherwise, how could he have spoken about the things in the Scriptures? Because of this, he became so useful to God.

I remember that as I was growing up, reading the Bible was a big help to me. And the more I read, the more I loved God! I also loved to memorize verses. There were so many times a verse would come to my mind and make me feel better and even help me. I learned to treasure, and even love God’s word! Did you know there is a verse in the Bible about treasuring God’s word? Psalm 119:11 says, “In my heart I have treasured up Your word.” Let’s all say this verse together. How about if we all try to memorize this verse this week? Maybe you could have your parents help you. That would be so good!

I know some of you are just beginning to learn to read. It is so fun to learn to read! I hope you will all try to learn to read the Bible every day, so that you too can know and treasure the Bible like Daniel one day.

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