Elementary Level, Block 5, Week 43: Joshua—The Leader

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Elementary Level, Block 5—Aaron to Ruth

Week 43
Joshua—The Leader

Point to Emphasize: We can be those who are good leaders for others to follow.

Reference Reading: Numbers 13—14

Memory Verse: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and take courage; do not be afraid or dismayed. For Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

Story Sample

The children of Israel were on their journey towards the good land. God continued to guide them day after day. Now, let me ask you something. How long do you think it took them to get to the good land? [Let the children answer.] Well, they were wandering in the wilderness for forty years! Are any of you forty years old? No, right! Maybe you are five, six or seven years old. Imagine you are on your way to somewhere and you know you will get there, but it takes you forty years? I just can’t imagine being on a trip for so long! Well, the children of Israel were on a LONG journey trying to get to the good land. Many things happened on this journey and as you grow older you will continue to learn of everything the Israelites went through during this time.

Moses freed the children of Israel out of Egypt, but he was not able to get them into the good land. Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died. But before he died he presented to the children of Israel a leader who would bring them all into the good land. This leader was Joshua. The Bible says Joshua was full of wisdom.

What are some good quality traits of a leader? [Let the children answer and make a list on the board. After listening to the children, add to the list accordingly.] A leader should be honest. A leader should be able to inspire others. A leader should be creative and able to make decisions and solve problems. We should all aspire to be good leaders! Maybe one day we will be the leader of a school or the leader of a company or the leader of a city or who knows? Maybe some of you may become the leader of a whole country! But even today you might be a leader of two or three of you deciding what you will play when the meeting is over. Also, during opening times, you can be a leader being the first one in your row to pay attention and follow the instructions. You will see that once you start, others will follow. We need more good leaders among us!

I will tell you what happened to me when I was growing up. Every Saturday my mom had tasks for all of us to do. We couldn’t go out to play until all tasks were done. Often times I would be the leader making note of all the tasks we had to do and then assign them among my siblings. I would come up with a plan to carry those tasks out so we could finish fast! [Storyteller, insert your own example of you being a good leader to others.]

Joshua was one of the most important leaders among God’s people. Two million people marched after him into the land that God had promised them! This story inspired me to be a good leader! Maybe this week you can think of ways to be a good leader for others to follow!

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