Introduction to Pre-school Topics

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August 21, 2020

Dear parents and children’s serving ones,

“When we speak of the children’s work, we are referring to children who have not graduated from elementary school but are more than five 5 years old. These are the target of the children’s work. If we are unable to take care of the children who are younger than this age group, we will leave them to the care of their parents.” (Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life pp. 238) Dear saints, we are able! We are able to gather them corporately and we are able to take care of them at home in a sanctified environment.

After much prayer and consideration before the Lord, we want to present to all of you the material we will be using for our Pre-school level starting this fall. If you have Nursery age children, they are happily welcomed to participate as much as they can.

When your child starts Kindergarten, we will take them through the Bible being inspired to aspire to be like the crucial persons on the Bible. We want them to learn about how to be a proper human being, even from a child’s perspective. However, before they get to this age, we want to take advantage of their Pre-school years and lead them to discover the preciousness of their humanity. “We should show them that man is different from the animals and different from the trees, plants, and flowers. When we speak of the difference between man and the animals, we can mention that man was created by God and also that the heavens and the earth were created by God. We can also say a little about how man was created in God’s image. We do not need to say more than this.” (Raising Up the Next Generation for the Church Life p. 239) Before they start school, we want them to have full assurance that they were created by God and that they are God’s top creation in how they differ from the rest of creation. We want them to see that God created boys and girls and how they are different. We want them to discover that they were created by God in a precious and perfect way!

We will present this not as a talk, not a story and not as a science class. We will provide them with many opportunities where we will use tangible plants and animals to compare with man. When real plants and animals are not an option, we will use pictures and very short video clips or sound bites to convey different aspects. We will begin with the lowest plant life and go up through the highest animal life. We will lead the children to discover the differences. This is not an adult driven talk but a child’s discovery time.

We want to show them how majestic a redwood tree is. We want them to discover how tall and strong these trees are. Then we want to ask them, “Are you like that?” We want to wait and hear their responses and lead them in a discovery process where we will see many physical differences and the human traits. We have legs; we can hop and jump, we can move! We have arms and hands; we can reach and catch a ball! We can smile, share and talk! We want them to have a realization that God created them in a perfect way!

Our times with the children should be 20-30 minutes at most when we are together. This time will be full of hands on activities, full of singing and full of love. We also strongly encourage all of you to use the weekly topic throughout you daily activities with them at home as many activities will be provided.

May each one of our children be built up as proper materials for the Lord’s use!


Serving ones in Anaheim