Pre-school Topics, Block 1, Week 4: I am different than fish

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The Human Body

Week 4
I am different than fish

The Human Body: We begin discovering the preciousness of our humanity by enjoying that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. In this block we explore how we were made in contrast to the grass, plants and trees. God has created us in ways that are unique to other living things.

Point to emphasize
Fish swim but we have two legs and two feet. (Discover differences in physical appearance, anatomy, locomotion, and functions of physical features.)

Genesis 1:29; 2:9

Sample content and conversation with children

As you start gathering the children, ask them, “Have you seen a real fish?” If you are able, try to bring a real fish! If not, bring pictures or short video clips showing fish swimming. Have the children look at the fish. Wow! Enjoy with them looking at the colors and shapes of the fish. Ask them, Do the fish look like me? Do the fish look like you?

  • Swimming versus Walking/Running/Jumping. How is this fish moving? Is the fish walking? Is the fish running? Is the fish jumping? [Wait for their responses. Lead them to see that the fish swims.] Wow! God created the fish and put them in the ocean, in the rivers, in the lakes. The fish bends his body pushing the water backwards and moves his body forward. Swimming is so great! Who knows how to swim? Can you stay under the water for 1 minute? No, right. But the fish stays underwater it’s whole life! Now, the fish swims, BUT, you can walk! Let’s all take three steps forward 1, 2 and 3. Wow!! You can go exactly where you want to go! Now, let’s all jump! Let’s see who can jump the highest!
  • We have two legs and two feet. What can we do with our legs? [Have the children do all these things with you.] We can bend our legs! We can squat. We can cross our legs. We can stand tip toes. We can stomp our feet. How many toes do you have in each foot?

I am so happy I am not a fish! I am so happy God created me with two legs and two feet! I can do so many things with my legs and feet. I can walk, I can jump, and I can run!

Suggested activities/games

  • Have the children laying on their back and pretend to ride a unicycle.
  • Place painter’s tape directly on the floor, or use sidewalk chalk outside the home and have the children walk following the path. Ride tricycle if you have one. Climb playground equipment. Balance beam- Have your child attempt to stand on a 2 inch balance beam and take some steps.
  • Walk around the neighborhood or park. For variety, add in marching, jogging, skipping, hopping as you go and remind the children they are using their legs and feet to go places.

Suggested songs
Remember, remember, remember God made you

Video of swimming fish

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