Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 3—The Savior-God
Week 11
The Source of Salvation—God’s Love
Reading Reference: Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, vol. 1, ch. 2; John 3:16a; Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:4-5a; Rom. 8:38-39
Memory Verse: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son… (John 3:16a)
Suggested Songs: God is Love, Who Sent His Beloved Son [Do not sing stanza 3, but end the song by singing the first 3 lines of stanza 1.]
Scripture Reading: John 3:16a; Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:4-5a; Rom. 8:38-39
Points to Emphasize
- “God so loved”—John 3:16a
Man’s condition speaks of his need for salvation. The source of salvation is the love of God. God’s love is the source of His salvation. If God had no love, man would have no salvation.
What is God’s love? God’s love is His heart. Although God is righteous and holy in His nature, His heart is love. God must do things according to His righteous procedure and in agreement with His holy nature. According to God’s righteousness, sinners deserve only to be judged. According to God’s holiness, such filthy ones are fit only to fall dead before Him. Although His righteousness condemns us and His holiness rejects us, God’s heart loves us. He not only loves us; He “so loved” us.
- “God commends His own love to us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”—Rom. 5:8; Eph. 2:4-5a
The love of God also caused the Lord Jesus to die for us and to accomplish redemption for us. Since God loved us, He sent the Lord Jesus to die for us and to accomplish redemption for us. Despite His love for us, God could not forgive and save us carelessly, because He could not contradict His own righteousness and holiness. Before He could forgive or save us, God had to send the Lord Jesus to die for us in order to satisfy the demands of His righteousness and holiness. Because of His love toward us, God was willing to send the Lord Jesus to die for us and to accomplish our salvation.
- “Neither death nor life…will be able to separate us from the love of God”—Rom. 8:38-39
Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God—neither death nor life nor things present nor things to come. Even we cannot separate ourselves from God’s love. We may forsake God’s love, but God’s love will never forsake us. We may cease to love God, but God will always love us. God has loved us from eternity past, and He will continue to love us into eternity future.