Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 3—The Savior-God
Week 15
Christ Resurrection (1)—Death-conquering
Reading Reference: Lesson Book, Level 2: The Triune God and the Person and Work of Christ, ch. 19; Luke 24:6-7; Acts 2:24; John 11:25; Rev. 1:17-18
Memory Verse: Saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise up. (Luke 24:7)
Suggested Songs: Hymns, #123
Scripture Reading: Luke 24:6-7; Acts 2:24; John 11:25; Rev. 1:17-18
Points to Emphasize
Christ died to accomplish redemption and to clean up all the negative things in the universe. He did a complete job; nothing was left unfinished. After His crucifixion and burial He resurrected (Luke 24:6-7). Neither death nor the tomb could hold this One since He Himself is the resurrection (John 11:25).
- God satisfied with Christ’s dead—Acts 2:24; John 10:17
In Adam we were condemned to die because the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). But Christ died as our substitute: He fully paid the price for our sins. How do we know that God has accepted Christ’s payment? His resurrection is our “receipt,” which proves that God has fully accepted Christ’s payment for our sins.
- His life is a death-conquering and death-subduing life—John 11:25; Rev. 1:17-18
Next to God, death is the most powerful thing in the universe. No one can turn death away. No one, that is, except the Lord Jesus. He is the only One who has gone into death and come out living, never to return to death.
The Lord Jesus was in the domain of death for three days. He took a good look at death and found it to be powerless to hold Him. So on the third day the Lord Jesus simply walked out of death. He might have said, “Death, I have finished my mission; you can do nothing with Me, and I am not afraid of you. Now is the time for Me to walk out of your domain. I am not in a hurry. I could stay here for another day if I wanted to, but now it is time to leave.” He was not fearful of death, running away from the tomb; rather, He peacefully took the time to fold His burial clothes and put them in good order (John 20:7). What a testimony of His victory over death.