Advanced Level, Block 2—Result of Entering the Good Land
Week 19
Abraham—Losing Years of God’s Presence
Point to Emphasize: We must know what displeases our parents and God.
Reference Reading: Genesis 12:1-7; 17:1, 15-19, 24; 18:1-12; 21:1-6
Memory Verse: Therefore also we are determined…to gain the honor of being well pleasing to Him. (2 Corinthians 5:9)
Story Sample
When Abraham moved to Hebron, he began to have a very close association with Jehovah. He and Jehovah spoke to each other as friends. It was during this time that Jehovah spoke to him about two very important matters: the coming birth of Isaac and the destruction of Sodom. In this story, we will talk about the birth of Abraham’s son, Isaac.
The first time that Jehovah appeared to Abraham to speak about his having a son was when he was 75 years old. It is pretty incredible that at 75 years old anyone would still be able to have children. We know that people lived longer during these times, and it was more common to have children at such an age. When Abraham was even older than this, at 99 years old, Jehovah confirmed that he and Sarah would have a son. A lot of things happened in Abraham’s story between the age of 75 and 99. Some were good and pleasant things, while other things were defeats and failures. One of Abraham’s failures displeased Jehovah so much that He did not visit or speak to Abraham for 13 years! That was very serious. Abraham lost 13 years of having God’s presence. [There is no need to tell the children how Abraham lost God’s speaking for 13 years. If a child asks, simply say, “When you really displease God, it is better not to speak about such shameful things.”]
When I was about 12 years old, my good friend did something that really displeased his father. My friend had been told by his father to go and get his hair cut. His father did not like his boys to have long hair like girls. My friend always let his hair grow as long as he possibly could before getting it cut the way his father wanted. One-time, my friend decided that he was no longer going to get his hair cut short. He was going to let it grow down to his shoulders. So that was what he did. At this point, his father quit talking to him. During their dinner, his father would never speak to him. He would only talk with the other children. They would all ride in the car together but his father only spoke to the others. My friend was doing something that clearly displeased his father and his father showed his displeasure by not talking to him. What my friend did was really sad. He cared more for his hairstyle than he did for his dad. He got his long hair like he wanted, but he lost his good relationship with his dad. [If you don’t have a personal story of your own, you can tell this story in third person.]
Even at your age, you know that there are many things you could do which would displease your parents. [Lead the children into a discussion about some things that parents might be displeased with—e.g. stealing, smoking, foul language, inappropriate jokes, bullying…] Just think, how displeased your folks would be if they saw or heard you doing such things? They would be very displeased. You should decide now not to be involved with anything that would displease your parents. Instead, talk to them about the pressure you feel to be like those around you.
Jehovah was very displeased with Abraham. By not speaking to Abraham for 13 years, He showed how displeased He was. But our God is so merciful and forgiving! He came again to Abraham and restored His relationship with Abraham. So, when Abraham was 99 years old, Jehovah was again confirming that he and Sarah would have a son by the next year. Upon hearing this, Abraham fell on his face and laughed and said in his heart, “Will a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17). Later, when Sarah heard Jehovah speak about this, she too laughed within herself. Even at Abraham’s time, this seemed an impossibility! No couple this OLD could have a child.
It is striking that both Abraham and Sarah laughed. They laughed not at God but they laughed thinking what He had said was impossible with them. This situation was altogether like that of a person visiting in a friend’s home. This really shows how close they were to Jehovah.
Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old. And Sarah said, “God has made me laugh; everyone who hears will laugh with me” (21:5).
It’s so good that Abraham was restored to God and that his situation became so pleasant with God. But remember, Abraham lost God’s presence for 13 years, because he did something that displeased God. This is just as my friend lost the close relationship with his father. We have to consider when we do things. Is it worth losing the close, pleasant relationship we have with our parents? I think you will really agree with me that nothing is worth losing that.