Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 6, Week 32: The Church—The Meetings (3)—Young People’s Meeting

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Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 6—The Meetings

Week 32
The Church—The Meetings (3)—Young People’s Meeting

Reading Reference: Life-study of Acts, msg. 12; Lesson Book, Level 5: The Church—The Vision and Building Up of the Church, ch. 22; The Healthy Word, ch. 9

Memory Verse: But flee youthful lusts, and pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart (2 Tim. 2:22).

Suggested Songs: Pursue Him and know Him; be found in Him

Scripture Reading: 2 Tim. 2:22; Heb. 10:24-25; Eph. 5:18-20; 1 Cor. 14:24, 31; Matt. 4:18, 21; 1 Tim. 3:15

Points to Emphasize:

The young people should attend the regular meetings of the church: at a minimum, they should not miss the bread-breaking meeting and attend the young people’s meeting (Heb. 10:24-25).

Young People’s Meeting

The young people should also learn to function in the meetings of the church; the young people who are high school age should begin to bear some responsibility in their spiritual family.

In the meetings of the church, they should not act as if they are guests or spectators; they should not wait for the older saints to function out of deference for their age.

When they are in a meeting, they should try their best to release their spirit; in the church they are adults, and they must bear responsibility.

The young saints must bear this responsibility; when they come to a meeting, they should open their mouth and release their spirit; they should give testimonies, sing hymns, and give praises (Eph. 5:18-20).

There is a rich source, a living and fresh supply, within all the young people; they should not rely on listening to messages but rather exercise to function more in spirit (1 Cor. 14:24, 31).

The Need for Companions

[The young people must make the decision to pick up some others as companions. Daniel had his three friends. Under the Lord Jesus in the New Testament none of the disciples were individuals. They were sent two by two; they all had companions. Peter and Andrew and James and John are referred to in the Gospels in pairs (Matt. 4:18, 21).]

If we have four companions to support us from each direction, we will not fall, regardless of what storm may come. If one stands by himself, he will possibly be captured by the enemy. It is best for four or five young ones from junior high school to come together as companions. Let the young brothers be companions to one another, and let the young sisters be companions to one another.

If we love the Lord, we should be able to go to any young brother or sister, not caring for what they are like. They may be slow or quick, dull or smart, like you or one hundred percent different from you. We should forget all the differences. We must have companions.

Praying and Seeking the Truth with Companions

What do companions do when they get together? If they talk about worldly things, they will be distracted from the Lord. If they insult one another with offensive words, they destroy one another. They should always come together to fellowship, pray-read, pray, and take care of new ones.

The young people need to develop a spiritual habit to pray unceasingly. The best way to develop such a habit is to pray every time we think about someone and every time we have to do something or say something. If the young people will pray together, they will afford the Lord a chance to perfect them for the work of the ministry and for the building up of the church.

First Timothy 3:15 says that the church is the pillar and base of the truth. In ancient architecture a building was supported by a pillar, which rested on a base. The church is the pillar and base that bears the truth. The pillar and base of the truth are not the elders but the church, which includes every brother and sister. Every member of the church is part of the pillar that bears the truth. Whenever a new one or a young one asks a question related to the truth, we should all be able to answer.

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