Advanced Level, Block 7—Idolatry and Division
Week 62
Solomon—Building the Temple according to David’s Charge
Point to Emphasize: Can we carry things out according to someone else’s detailed instructions?
Reference Reading: 1 Kings 5—8; footnote 1:11
Memory Verse: Hear instruction, and be wise; / And do not neglect it. (Proverbs 8:33)
Story Sample
We know that King David’s heart was for God and His people. After all of his battles, what David wanted was not a bigger kingdom or more riches for himself, but to build a house for Jehovah which would be called the Temple. David knew that God needed a house to be among His people. So, he gathered together all the materials that would be needed to build the temple, according to God’s design. He even prepared the site where the temple would be built. The design for building the temple was revealed by God to David, not to Solomon. God did not wait until the time of Solomon to reveal the design for building the temple. But neither did God intend for David to do the actual building. He told David, “Your son, whom I will put on your throne in your place, he will build the house for My name” (1 Kings 5:5b). God had chosen Solomon to build the temple.
David called his son Solomon to come to him and he charged him to build the temple. He was very specific about how the temple should be built because God had given him definite instructions. So, David passed these instructions on to Solomon. Solomon followed his father’s instructions exactly in building the temple and he did nothing according to his own way.
When I read this from the Bible and considered it, I asked myself, would I have been able to do this? To follow every detail of the instructions without once thinking I might have a better way? I can honestly say this would have been very hard.
As for me, I always think my way is better. Even in the simple things, like making my bed. My mom was a nurse and she had a very particular way of making a bed. She called it the hospital way. And that was exactly the way she wanted me to make my bed. At that time, we did not have fitted sheets and so the corners had to be tucked in very tightly so that they wouldn’t come undone. But I always thought I had a better way. I felt like if I just bunched up all the extra material and stuffed it in, it would work just fine. I thought I was smarter than my mom. And every time I made my bed my own way, in the morning when I got up, I would find the sheets being pulled out and all over the floor. I really should have followed my mom’s instructions! Her way was best! [Storyteller, use your own example showing how you did not follow instructions and the results were not good.]
Solomon completed the temple in about twenty years. That means for the twenty years, he was following his father’s instructions! In the end, he was able to complete what his father David had instructed him, and God finally had a dwelling place. When the work of the temple was finished, the glory of God filled the house. Solomon held a big feast with all Israel with him. This outcome was the direct result of Solomon following his father’s instructions exactly!
Let me ask you, consider this past week, was there even one day when you followed your parent’s instructions in every way? Did you get up when they called you? Did you make your bed the way your mother instructed you to do? Were all your clothes put in the proper place? I doubt it! [Lead the children in a discussion about why is it that they don’t follow the instructions given to them. (1) They thought their way was better, easier, and quicker. (2) Simply because they didn’t want to.] We have to admit that we don’t follow our parent’s instructions. We don’t like someone to tell us what to do. We always find a way to do things differently. However, we need to learn to follow instructions. As children, we need to follow the instructions of our parents, coaches, and teachers. Even when we become adults, we still have to follow the instructions of others.
After talking about this, we should all come to the realization that we don’t always follow the instructions exactly as they are given. And at other times we merely don’t want to do what we are told to do. This really means that we fail at following instructions. And when you fail at something, it’s best to go talk to your parents. They can help you to learn to follow instructions.