Elementary Level, Block 9, Week 81: Jesus—Obeying Willingly as a Child

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Elementary Level, Block 9—Jesus

Week 81
Jesus—Obeying Willingly as a Child

Point to Emphasize: As we grow, we can be those who learn to obey just like Jesus did.

Reference Reading: Luke 2:40-52; Matthew 13:55-56

Memory Verse: And the little child grew and became strong, being filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him. (Luke 2:40)

Story Sample

For some time now, we have been hearing stories about the children of Israel. Who have our stories been about? (Let them give several names.) All these stories come from the part of the Bible called the Old Testament. Now, we are going to tell some stories from the New Testament. Who is the main person in the New Testament? Jesus! That is right. Now, I’m sure we have all heard some stories about Jesus. But maybe you haven’t heard the one we’re going to tell you today.

Do you know that Jesus was at one time a little boy just your age?! It is pretty amazing, isn’t it? We often think of Him only as a man, someone who is already grown up. But Jesus started the same way we all started. First, He was a baby growing in a hidden way inside His mom. Then He was born. Who has seen a baby recently? Babies are so small and need our care. Then they all start growing and soon they are crawling, then walking, and then running around the house. And before you know it, they are helping to clean up the toys, helping to put on their shoes and helping to brush their teeth. And by the age of 5 or 6, they can do so many things. Right?! Just like you.

Jesus grew up just like you, and just like you, He learned to obey his parents. Sometimes, it is not so easy for us to do. When you are playing, making a fort, or doing something you love to do, it becomes hard to obey when mom says, “Please stop what you are doing and come help me set the table.” Sometimes it seems that we just can’t stop and take care of what we were asked to do. But Jesus was always obedient. He learned to obey. I think we can do the same! [Storyteller, insert your own story about a time when you obeyed.]

Here is a story from the Bible where Jesus obeyed. When Jesus turned twelve, He traveled with his parents from Nazareth to Jerusalem in a large company of relatives and friends. After keeping the Feast of the Passover for seven days, they all began a journey back home to Nazareth. But after a day’s journey out of the city of Jerusalem, Joseph and Mary could not find Jesus. As the large company of people headed back to Nazareth, Joseph and Mary expected to find Jesus with one of their relatives or among their friends. After a day of traveling and seeking Jesus among the company, they still could not find Him. What had happened? Where was He? They returned to Jerusalem to search for Him and found Him in the temple, sitting in the middle of a group of Jewish men who were the top teachers of God’s Word.

Even though Jesus loved being there among those who knew God’s Word, when asked, he obeyed his parents and he went back home with Mary and Joseph to Nazareth. As a child, He still kept Himself under the authority and control of His parents. He grew up as a teenager following their rules and ways of living. So often, as children, we think, “Oh, when I grow up, I will do whatever I want to. I won’t have to listen to what my parents say then!” But here is Jesus, a boy of twelve deciding that He would remain under the authority and control of His parents. This means he decided to still OBEY. And because He decided this, He was a blessed boy growing up to full manhood.

This week we should all sing, “It’s better to obey! / It’s better to obey! Listen to your parent’s way— / It’s better to obey.” When we sing this song and remember the obedient life that Jesus lived, it will be easier for us to obey.

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