Elementary Level, Block 9—Jesus
Week 89
Jesus—His Followers (2)—the Women
Point to Emphasize: We can be those who minister to others, sharing from what we have.
Reading Reference: Luke 8:1-3, note 21
Memory Verse: But do not forget doing good and sharing with others… (Hebrews 13:16)
Story Sample
Jesus walked from town to town, and two groups followed Him where He went. As we learned last week, there were twelve men, the disciples, who followed Jesus and we already know what they did. But who was the second group? You might be surprised when you hear who this second group was. Are you ready? This second group was composed of women! Let me tell you some of their names: Mary, another Mary, Joanna and Salome. Now, why women? What could women do when they were following Jesus from village to village? Oh, you might want to listen closely to our story for today!
For Jesus and His disciples, traveling from city to city and village to village was not easy. They often walked on dirt roads. There was no guarantee that they would find a room to stay in at night or that someone would offer to have them eat in their house in the next place. You might not have many comforts when you travel around like this. But the group of women traveling with Jesus and His disciples helped in a practical way taking care of many of their needs. The Bible says that the women “ministered to them out of their possessions” (Luke 8:3).
What does “ministered to them out of their possessions” mean? Well, if I have a sack full of bananas, mangos, grapes, oranges, and pears as my possession, what do you get if I minister to you out of my possessions? That’s it! You get what I have. These women had some possessions and they used these to meet the daily needs of Jesus and His disciples. Using their possessions these women did many things and bought many things to take care of Jesus and His disciples as they traveled. These women were willing to help others with what they had.
I hope that you can observe some of the things that women around you do for others. Some women share their time to babysit others’ children. Some share their money to help those who have a need. Some help by giving a ride to others when their car breaks down. Some share their skills by making crafts, sewing, knitting, and then giving what they’ve made as a gift to others. When I was growing up I saw that my mom was always cooking! Before leaving for school, she was in the kitchen cooking. When coming back from school, she was in the kitchen cooking. Before going to bed she was again in the kitchen preparing a snack or tomorrow’s lunch or dinner. AND, she not only cooked for our family. She often invited our neighbors and other families to come and eat. Whenever there was a love feast, she would cook for others to enjoy. My mom, like these women who were with Jesus, ministered to others from whatever she had in her pantry and her fridge. My mom enjoyed sharing with others whatever she had. [Storyteller, share with the children an experience of sharing with others from what you had.]
As children, you can learn from these women and aspire to be someone who would share whatever you have with the ones around you. This story is not only for the girls; boys should also be those who share what they have, who minister to others! Have you shared something with someone else this week? What do you have that you can share with others? [Storyteller, inspire the children to see what things they have they can share with others.]