Pre-school Topics, Block 10, Week 94: Couples expect to have children and become a family

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Week 94
Couples expect to have children and become a family

The complete family unit is found only among human beings. Very few animals have strong parent/child or male/female relationships, but none have the complete family unit for life that man has. Some animals have strong social relationships, mostly based on instincts and hierarchy.

Genesis 1:28 says, “And God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth…” The family unit with father, mother, and children was instituted by God. Since this thought is under severe attack in our society, we felt we must address the truth of families with the youngest among us. This will instill the simple truth into them so that as they grow, they can remain firm in this truth.

Note to the serving ones: While we faithfully present God’s view of a family, we recognize that some of our children’s families may not relate to what is being presented in these topics due to different types of situations. (For example, there may be children whose parents have passed away, children whose parents are not involved in the family/church life, children who are adopted, children who were raised by step-parents/grandparents, etc.) The serving ones need to be careful/sensitive in how they address these matters so that the children don’t come away from the story feeling bad because they may not have a mom and a dad to do the things that we are presenting. We don’t want them to feel like their families aren’t “real” families, but rather, we want to give them an appreciation for the complete family unit from God’s view. In your time with the children, please be sensitive to their personal circumstances. Be careful that no child feels that his or her family is wrong or worse than the others.

Point to emphasize
We are part of a family.

Behold, children are the heritage of Jehovah. (Psalm 127:3a)

Sample content and conversation with children:

  • Today we are going to talk about married couples starting [Show picture #1 or a picture of a newly married couple.] Ask the children, does this newly married couple expect to be just the two of them forever? [Let the children respond.] No! They expect to have children! Why do they want children? [Let the children respond.] This couple wants to share their love by becoming a family with children. In God’s eyes having children is so wonderful!
  • [Show picture #2 or picture of children playing “family”.] Ask the children, what are these children playing? [Let them respond.] Children like to pretend they are a daddy and a mommy and that they have a family. This is because having a family is wonderful! God loves families. It would be so sad if a couple got married and chose not to have children.
  • [Show picture #3 or a picture of parents with joyous ] How do you think these parents feel? [Let the children respond.] Why? Does it seem they’ve been waiting for the baby to be born? Parents are so happy to have a family with children. Parents plan ahead and share with others the news about having a baby.
  • [Show picture #4 or a picture of a couple praying.] What is this couple doing? [Let the children answer.] Praying! Parents often pray together for the coming baby. I remember praying for my children before they were born; praying for their names, their health, who would babysit them, and even the crib they would need. [Storyteller, insert your own example. We want to show them that before they were born, their parents were praying for them.]
  • [Show picture #5 or a picture of a betta fish.] At my house, we have several pets, including a betta fish that spends all its time alone in its tank. How sad to be alone all the time. I like to be with my family and can’t wait to give them a hug when I get home. But the betta fish doesn’t like to be with other fish; it even tries to fight any other fish it sees. God put us in families. That’s why we like to spend time with mom and dad and with our brothers and sisters. I’m thankful that at any time even as a grown up I can still call my mom and dad. Families truly make God happy.

Suggested song

(Tune: I want to thank God for making me)

(For preschool)
I want to thank God for making me
Part of a family
He placed me perfectly
Just where I ought to be
I want to thank God for making me
Part of a family
He knows the best for me.

(For older)
God gave me mom and dad,
My brother, sister, aunts and uncles too
And my grandma and my grandpa are the best!
It is so wonderful
To be a part of my own family
I will give thanks
For I am in a family.

Suggested activity
Draw your family – make a house(hold) with windows and put every member of your family in each window [picture #6].

#1: Newly married couple
#2: Children playing “family”
#3: Joyous faces of parents
#4: Couple praying
#5: Betta fish
#6: Activity

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