Adam—Being the First Man
Point to Emphasize: God created Adam first and the best.
Reference Reading: Genesis 1—2
Memory Verse: Jehovah God formed man… (Genesis 2:7a)
Story Sample
Today I want to ask you a very big question. How many people in the whole world are there? [Discuss, and write 7 billion on the board.] So here in children’s meeting we want to talk about some very specific people. [Hold up a Bible.] The Bible is a very special book and inside we can read about many great men and women. Can you name some of them? [Let the children answer.] It is a great thing to know the persons that are in the Bible. And some of them are so special, I hope you will listen very closely and say to yourself, “I want to be just like that.”
Today we will hear about the very first man in the Bible. Wow – who likes to be the very first? And who is the very first man in the whole Bible? His name was Adam. And Adam was so special because not only was he first, he was the best thing in all of God’s creation. You see, at the beginning of the Bible we can read that God created so many things. Do you know some of the things? [Discuss] God created the heavens, the earth, the seas, the sun, the moon, the stars, the birds, the fish and all the animals. All of God’s creation is awesome!
But when God created man, oh wait a minute, He did something completely different from the rest of His creation. The Bible says, listen to this, God formed Adam. What does it mean He formed Adam? [Discuss with examples.] God had a specific plan. He was designing him perfectly, and He gave Adam a very particular shape. Adam was God’s masterpiece. Adam was not a tree, Adam was not a whale, Adam was not a monkey. Adam was a man!
Let’s look at the plants. They are colorful, they are beautiful, they give us food. But, would you prefer to be a plant or a man? Let’s consider the animals. Some are small, some are huge, and some can even fly! But, would you prefer to be an animal or a man? When I was growing up I always wanted to be a lion. They are so powerful. And that deep roar! But when it was bedtime, I knew poor lion had to sleep outside in the rain! I remember how my parents tucked me in bed, so warm and cozy. Oh! How happy I am that I am not a lion. I am a man! I have a mom and dad to care for me. [Insert your own example of wishing to be an animal.]
So isn’t Adam awesome? He was the first and he was the best. He was formed just perfectly by God. And what about us? We have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears. We have two arms to stretch and reach for things. We have two legs to walk and run. We can talk, we can smile, we can read a book, we can sing, we can learn new things. We are awesome! You should be so happy that you are a man created by God just like Adam.
Adam—Having Important Responsibilities
Point to Emphasize: We can be responsible for the things we have and protect the ones around us.
Reference Reading: Genesis 2—3
Memory Verse: And Jehovah planted a garden in Eden…and there He put the man whom He had formed. (Genesis 2:8)
Story Sample
What is the name of the first man? Right, Adam! And why do we want to be like Adam? Yes, because he was the best! God created this perfect man that was so different from the animals. This man was God’s top creation. Today I am going to tell you where God put this man and what he was doing there.
Listen to what the Bible says God did. It says that He planted a garden. What?!? Why a garden? What is a garden? A garden is a beautiful place with some soft warm dirt used for growing flowers, fruits, and even vegetables. And sometimes there are some rolling hills and bushes and trees, right? Oh, and what about water? There has to be water coming from somewhere right? Wow, what a place.
Now, listen to this. Once that garden was planted, God did something wonderful. He put that man, Adam, right there into the garden. You see, all God wanted was to make this man happy! How do you feel when you are in a library? Right, you have to be quiet, not running around. And what about at a police station? Oh my, so scary with all the serious people there, and you wouldn’t let out a peep! Aha, but what about a garden? Who has been in a garden before? [Discuss] When you enter a garden you feel it is a most wonderful place where you can rest and enjoy. Everything is colorful and birds are happy, and maybe there is something tasty to eat.
Adam must have been so happy there, and so thankful God had put him there. In the same way God cared for Adam, He cares for us by placing us in our families! All our needs are met in our families. We have a roof over us, we have a bed to sleep in, and we have food to eat. It is in our families where we receive the care we need. [Lead children to discuss how thankful they are.]
Now, did God just leave Adam alone to do whatever he wanted? It’s very interesting that right after putting Adam there, God gave him some very important instructions. You could even say God gave him a job to do. Who has ever heard this big word—responsibility? [Write on board and discuss its meaning.] So Adam’s responsibility was to work and keep the garden. This beautiful garden that God had filled with happy living things, all of it, was now up to Adam to work in it and keep it and even protect it.
Wow! Isn’t that interesting? On one hand God put Adam in such a pleasant place, but at the same time God depended on Adam to be responsible to keep everything clean and orderly. What an important responsibility.
Now I want to tell you a story about growing up in my house. I have three younger sisters, so our house was always amazing fun. We each had our own bed, and we had the best food, and mom and dad were always taking care of us. We had so many books and crayons and colored pencils. Oh, and the dolls! And the games! When we all played together, well just imagine, we had them all over the house. And sometimes I would sit and look around and see all the mess. And I realized that it was important for me to be responsible to keep up with all our things. It felt so good inside to look after my sisters and all the toys and make sure everything was orderly. [Insert your own story of having a sense of happiness and rest when you take care of your responsibilities.]
So I hope each one of you will understand that in the same way that Adam had a responsibility, we also have responsibilities. He worked in the garden, and we get to work in our homes. We keep our rooms clean, and all our toys and books in order. Oh, and all the papers spilling out of our backpack. What else did Adam do? Adam needed to protect the garden. In the same way, we can be those who protect. What can we protect? Let’s see… Who has a younger sibling? Who has a pet? Who has grandparents? When they need a drink, when they need a hug, when they lose something, we can help them and protect them in so many ways!
In this next week I challenge all of you to be like Adam! How can you do that? First let’s enjoy and be thankful for where God has placed us in order to take care of us. Right? Think how much God has done to care for us just like He did for Adam. But what else? Aha, God gives us some things to take care of, right? To work there and care for the things we have. And also to protect the others around us. Today we can be so responsible in the place God has placed each of us.
Cain and Abel—Two Brothers, Two Choices
Point to Emphasize: We should watch, listen and follow our parents, especially in caring for people.
Reference Reading: Genesis 4
Memory Verse: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. (Ephesians 6:1)
Story Sample
Today’s story is about the first family in the Bible. The first man was Adam and his wife was named Eve. We can learn a lot from looking at this family with two sons. The two brothers were Cain and Abel. They were the first brothers in the Bible. Do any of you have brothers? Do any of you have sisters? Let’s find out how these two brothers grew up as the first family in the Bible. First we need to see what kind of family they were. They raised sheep. God had given Adam and Eve some instructions for the raising of sheep. They used the sheep to make their clothing and that’s how they lived. That was God’s instruction for them. This is what God needed them to do; this made God happy. Wow! Adam and Eve were faithful to tell their boys where they came from, who they were, how to live, how to be according to what God had instructed them. They told them what God needed and what made God happy.
Are you ready to hear what happened with these two boys? Here we go. At the beginning these two brothers were doing exactly what their parents taught them to do: raise sheep. As they grew older, Abel followed the way of his mom and dad to raise sheep. But the other brother Cain, he did whatever he wanted only to care for himself. Oh, oh, what? Yes, that is right! These two children were from the same family, but one of them did not follow his parents. This is very, very sad. Abel went the way of his parents and Cain went another way. Abel became a shepherd of sheep to take care of the sheep as he had learned from his parents. What did Cain do? He did something different. Cain grew crops and he took care of his own needs.
Let’s review: [Write the name Abel on the board and emphasize these three words as you write them on the board next to Abel’s name.] Abel spent time watching, listening and following his parents. He not only attentively watched, but he closely listened and much more, he diligently followed. He followed what his mom and dad had told him to do. He became what his mom and dad were. But the other brother Cain, he got in trouble because he did not follow what was spoken and taught by his parents. His parents gave him a direction, but he had another idea and went another way.
When I was about 4 years old my parents started opening our home. That means we had people who came and stayed with us for a night, sometimes for a couple of weeks; and one time even for 6 months! I remember that when I was about 7 or 8 a whole family came and stayed with us until they were able to find a home. So, I had to give up my room and sleep with my younger sister. Oh, this was so hard for me! But, I would see the happiness in my parents’ eyes while they were helping others. So, from a young age, I set my heart to be just like my parents and help other people. I could tell my parents were happy because God was happy. This is what God wanted them to do. So, I decided to watch, to listen and to follow my parents’ way of caring for others. I didn’t want to grow up just taking care of my own house, my own family and my own needs. I wanted to do what I saw my parents doing. I set my heart to care for people, just like my parents did! [Insert your own example of following your parents’ way, aspiring to be like your parents, especially when caring for others.]
Just like Cain and Abel had a special family, we are also part of a special family. We don’t want to be like Cain. We don’t need to go our own way. We want to be like Abel. We want to watch, listen and follow our parents’ way.
In the next week, I want all of us to be just like Abel. Every time your parents are helping others and caring for others, you can watch what they do, you can listen to what they say and you can follow their ways. We can be just like Abel!
Seth and Enosh—Following God’s Way
Point to Emphasize: We can ask for help when we are in need.
Reference Reading: Genesis 4:25-26
Memory Verse: Jehovah is my strength and my shield; / My heart trusts in Him, and I am helped… (Psalms 28:7a)
Story Sample
Do you remember learning about the first man and the first woman, Adam and Eve? Last week we learned about their first two sons, Cain and Abel. After Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel they had more children. The very next son was named Seth. Eve named her son Seth because Seth means “appointed.” Do you know what this word appointed means? It means to be given a certain job.
We also might have had opportunities to be appointed. Has your teacher ever given you a special classroom job like passing out papers? Or do you have certain responsibilities at home like feeding the fish? Your teachers or parents have decided beforehand that you could take on these special jobs. So they have appointed you to carry them out.
Seth was very important. He too, learned to watch, listen, and follow his parents just like his older brother Abel did. By following his parents, Seth was also following God’s way. This made God happy.
Don’t we feel good inside when we follow what our parents have asked of us? If Mom and Dad have set certain rules like making your bed when you wake up, or putting away your toys when you are done playing, then we should follow these rules and take care of our responsibilities. Sometimes we take care of these things right away and never have to be reminded. Mom and Dad see this and they are so happy with us that we are following their way. Isn’t that wonderful?
Then when Seth grew up he had a son and he named him Enosh. Just like many of the names in the Bible, the name Enosh also has an important meaning. It means “fragile man,” in other words weak or breakable. Why do you think Enosh had a name like this? At that time, Seth realized that he could make mistakes and fail at certain tasks. Seth realized that he was weak and needed help from God.
We are this way too. What should we do if we are having a bad day or we wake up from a bad dream at night? We can ask for help. We can ask our parents, our siblings, and even God to help us. We can talk to God about our bad day and bad dreams. Did you know that your mom and dad also ask for help from God? Sometimes we might hear them call out to the Lord. They are getting help.
Seth and Enosh realized they needed to stay on the way that Adam and Eve had begun with following God. Seth continued the way of Abel by following his parents; Seth brought his son into it. They didn’t go off on their own way like Cain did, not following his parents. It is the same with our family. Our parents, maybe even our grandparents, have chosen to follow God. They have prayed for us that we too would follow God’s way. How special we are to be in the families that we are in. We have been born into families that follow God’s way.
Enoch—Walking with God and Talking with God
Point to Emphasize: We know God exists and we can walk and talk to Him.
Reference Reading: Genesis 5
Memory Verse: You will pray to Him, and He will hear you… (Job 22:27a)
Story Sample
Who practiced to be like Enosh this past week? I know by experience that when you ask the right person for help, the task becomes a lot easier for you. Isn’t it awesome that there are men in the Bible we can all desire to be like?
Today we will hear about another great man. Who in this room has heard the name Enoch before? Well, there was an Enoch in the Bible that was exceptional! He was unusual, not typical, he was different, he was special. Let me tell you why: Enoch chose to live differently. The people around Enoch were doing things that were not good, they were saying things that were not appropriate. But Enoch decided to walk with God. You see, Enoch knew God. Enoch knew that God existed, that God was real, that God was present. So, Enoch lived differently than everyone else around him. Let me tell you how Enoch lived.
The Bible says Enoch walked with and talked to God. Enoch walked with God day and night for 300 years; that is more than 100,000 days. [Write these numbers on the board.] Wow, that is a gigantic number. Enoch walked all these days with God! Enoch was exceptional because he walked with God. But what does it mean to walk with God? [Pick one child and ask him to walk with you. You might want to walk side by side/fast/slow/skip/hop and ask the child to walk with you. Ask the child, “Was it easy to walk with me?”] It is surely easy when we walk by ourselves. We can walk at our own speed and just stop when we want to. But for Enoch to walk with God meant that Enoch did not go the way he wanted, instead he always followed God. Enoch was very close to God!
Now, Enoch not only walked with God, but he also talked with God. Enoch talked to God like talking to a friend. I don’t know exactly what Enoch was talking to God about but if he was walking with God for all those days, I am sure that he got to tell God many, many things. I am sure that God heard him and that God also talked to Enoch.
I learned from a very early age that I could talk to God. Let me tell you what happened to me when I was in first grade. I was having a bad day. During lunch, I spilled my milk all over my food and all over my uniform. My teacher and my friends tried to help me, but the damage was done. I was all wet. The rest of my day in school was terrible. Other children would come near me and the first thing they would say was, “Sniff. Sniff. What is that smell?” When I went to bed that night, I remembered that my parents had told me I could talk to God and tell Him how I was feeling. I could tell God anything I had in my heart. So, that is exactly what I did. I started talking to God and telling Him all that had happened to me that day. And, oh… I will never forget how I felt. It felt so good telling God about my day. It felt like a huge heavy feeling was taken off my heart. I was able to have a good night sleep. [Insert your own experience of talking to God.]
If you are having a bad day or if you are having the best day ever; if you feel sad or if you feel great; if your friends like you or you feel you are alone; you can be just like Enoch. You can talk to God!
God’s Family Line
Point to Emphasize: We can be thankful to be in a godly family.
Reference Reading: Genesis 4:16—5:32
Memory Verse: Train up a child according to the way he should go… (Proverbs 22:6a)
Story Sample
We have been talking a lot about family these past weeks, haven’t we? God wanted Adam and Eve to have a big family, a family that loved Him and followed Him. God is very interested in our families, and He wants our whole family to love Him and take His way. But some families don’t take God’s way.
Let’s go back to the first family. Who were the first mom and dad? Right, Adam and Eve. [Write this on the board.] And who were some of their children? [Let them name Abel, but only put the names Seth and Cain on the board.] Now, I want to write these two especially, because they show that there are two ways a family can go. First, there is Cain. Remember, Cain was the one who did what he wanted to. He didn’t follow his parents’ instructions. He went on to have children. Even though the children were mentioned in the Bible, eventually you read nothing about them in the Bible. Things just got worse and worse for them. They weren’t making God happy. They were just doing whatever they wanted to make themselves happy. They weren’t taking care of other people.
Then there was Seth. We know that he had a son named Enosh. He actually had many sons. But Enosh is the one we have talked about. After his son, his grandson, and his great grandson, there was Enoch, his great-great grandson. Last week we talked about Enoch. And this family continues all the way into the New Testament and even to today. The people in this group told their children about God and they listened, so this line is for God.
I am so glad to say that my family is from this line. I only know as far back as my great grandparents but I know that they told their children about God and their children followed them. Then, my grandparents had children and they did the same thing. They told my parents about God. And then my parents told ME about God. And they prayed for me. I am so happy to say that I can be on this side because I listened to my parents and followed them.
Many of you have families like this. I hope this week you will all go home and ask your parents to tell you about your relatives, those who love and follow God, and thank them for praying for you and for telling you the right way to behave. Maybe you could even ask them to read to you a little bit from the Bible each day so that someday you will know what to tell YOUR children.
Don’t you want to be on this line? [Point to chart.]
[Note to serving one: if there are children in your class who don’t come from believing families, encourage them to be the first to choose God in their family.]
Noah—Following His Forefathers and Becoming a Righteous Man
Point to Emphasize: We can do the right thing even when others do not.
Reference Reading: Genesis 6—9
Memory Verse: For Jehovah knows the way of the righteous… (Psalms 1:6a)
Story Sample
Adam’s family kept growing. We have heard about many in Adam’s family that followed God’s way. Today we will hear about Enoch’s great grandson. His name was Noah. Noah must have spent time listening to his father and grandfather telling him all about his great-grandfather, Enoch.
Our families teach us many things. They teach us how to walk, how to eat, and how to get dressed. More importantly, it is in our families that we learn how to behave and how to be a proper person. If you spend time and sit with your parents, or with your uncles and aunts, or even with your grandfathers and great grandfathers, you will enjoy hearing what they have to say. How many of you have sat with your grandfather or with your great grandfather and listened to their stories? They have so many stories to share with us on how they lived when they were young. You might hear from them that they didn’t have a cell phone or that they walked to school, or how they were hard-working people. I hope that next time you have the chance, you would ask a relative to tell you a story about them. It is so special to listen to their stories! Their stories are full of wisdom and experience.
So this is what Noah did. Noah took time, sat and listened to his father and grandfather to learn how his great grandfather, Enoch, followed God’s instructions, knew God’s needs, and made God happy. When Noah heard all the stories, he just wanted to follow Enoch’s example of walking with and talking to God.
You see, when Noah was living, the earth was a different place. It was not the precious garden in which God had placed Adam. The earth was now full of bad people and bad things. Things were very, very bad. But Noah’s parents, grandparents and great grandparents had taught him God’s way. This helped Noah to know how NOT to follow what the bad people were doing but to follow God’s ways. Noah was greatly helped by hearing the stories of his great grandfather.
Noah believed in God and he became a righteous person. What does it mean to be righteous? Let me give you an example. When you play in the playground at school or at the park, there are some rules you have to follow. Here are some I know: Slide DOWN the slides, do not climb up. Oh, but if you see other children climbing up the slides, what would you do? Would you follow what all the kids are doing or would you be righteous and do the right thing? So, to be righteous means to be right; to do the right thing.
Noah did not do the bad things that people were doing around him. He lived his life in the same way that his parents and grandparents did; following God’s way. God was so happy that He had a man on the earth that was doing the right thing! I challenge you this week to be like Noah! Let’s do the right things at school, at lunch time, even during recess. Let’s be like Noah! Let’s be right, doing the right things even when others are not!
Noah—Making the Ark Exactly How God Instructed Him
Point to Emphasize: We can follow instructions exactly the way they are given to us.
Reference Reading: Genesis 6—9
Memory Verse: Listen to counsel, and receive instruction… (Proverbs 19:20a)
Story Sample
We heard last week that Noah was a righteous man. God was very happy with Noah. Oh, the story of Noah is so precious! Today we will continue hearing what happened to Noah. Because God was happy with Noah, God was able to tell Noah many things that were about to happen. God told Noah a secret. Do you want to know the secret? Listen, quietly. God told Noah that it was going to rain. It was not just going to rain for a day or two. It was going to rain continuously for days and days, and all the water was going to cover the whole earth. What was God doing? Well, God wanted to clean up the earth from the bad things and the bad people. God wanted to have a fresh start with Noah, Noah’s family and some animals. So, God told Noah to build an ark. An ark is a large boat.
God gave very specific instructions to Noah as to how to build that ark. The ark was going to be big; it was going to be huge. God gave Noah the measurements; the length, the height. The ark needed three stories, it needed a side door and it needed just one window opened towards the sky. God also told him the right materials to use, because the ark needed to be waterproof!
Now, imagine this… Let’s say Noah agreed to build the ark, but then decided to build it the way he wanted. Who knows what would have happened! Maybe it would have been too small and not have enough room for everybody. Or maybe he would have made it too tall, or too heavy and not able to float. Or maybe Noah would have put a lot of windows and then the wind and the water would have started coming in. Maybe, he would have not used the right materials, and the water would have come in and the ark would have sunk. Oh, it would have been terrible! But I am happy to tell you that Noah made the ark exactly how God told him and everything went well. The ark was perfect, just how God planned it! It was so important for Noah to follow God’s instructions step by step, using the right materials and the right measurements.
I know that you all enjoy making crafts at children’s meetings. But if you don’t follow the exact instructions and decide to put glue before coloring, or you cut where you were not supposed to, your craft might not turn out to be a good one. One day I saw this awesome paper airplane model. I wanted to make it, and I wanted my airplane to be just like the one in the picture. So, quickly, I printed the instructions and gathered all the materials it asked for. I followed all the instructions step by step, folding where I was supposed to and cutting where I was supposed to. And guess what? My airplane was as awesome as the one in the picture. [Storyteller, insert your own story of following the exact instructions to finish a craft or a project and finishing it perfectly because you followed the instructions exactly as they were provided.]
I hope that every time a craft or a small project is given to you, you would say, “I want to be just like Noah. I want to follow the instructions exactly as they are given to me!”
Noah and His Family—Receiving God’s Care
Point to Emphasize: We receive God’s care in our families where we are cared for and protected.
Reference Reading: Genesis 6—9
Memory Verse: …It matters to Him concerning you. (1 Peter 5:7b)
Story Sample
When the ark was prepared and ready, God asked Noah to enter into the ark along with his wife, his children and the wives of his children. Not just Noah, but his whole family entered into the ark. That is wonderful! God was happy with Noah and wanted his whole family to be safe. Do you see what I see here? God likes families! God was not caring only for Noah. God was caring for Noah’s whole family. So even before it started to rain, Noah and his family entered the ark. They were cared for and protected by God.
God cares for each one of you by placing you in your family. God didn’t want Noah to be alone. In the same way, God doesn’t want (child’s name) to be alone. [Name some of the children in your group.] God wanted you to be part of your family. God said, the perfect place for (child’s name) is in his family! So, your family is God’s special arrangement planned especially for you. Think about it! God decided where you were going to be born. God decided who your parents were going to be. God even decided if you were going to have siblings or if you were to be the only child. All this is God’s arrangement for you.
Now, listen to this… It is in your family that you receive God’s care. Through your family, God cares for you by providing you with a place to sleep, food to eat, clothes to wear. When your mom cooks for you, this is God’s caring for you. When your dad helps you with homework, this is God’s caring for you. Oh, I am so happy that each one of you has a place where God shows you that He cares for you!
It is also in your household that you receive God’s protection and safety. Through your family, God protects you. When we are about to cross the street, our parents always want to hold our hands. They protect us from danger and keep us safe.
[Storyteller, share your own experience of how God cared for your family or how you felt protected in your family.]
I’m so happy that we can be just like Noah! We can receive God’s care and protection in our families! I want this week to be one where you can see God cares for you, just like He cared for Noah and his family. Maybe you can ask your parents to tell you a story where they saw God caring for your whole family.
Noah—Being Diligent in Caring for the Ark and for Those Inside the Ark
Point to Emphasize: We can be diligent in everything we do.
Reference Reading: Genesis 6—9
Memory Verse: Do all things without murmurings and reasonings. (Philippians 2:14)
Story Sample
Noah and his family stayed inside the ark until it stopped raining and the earth was dry again. They were inside the ark for one hundred and fifty days! That means almost 5 months inside that ark! First, they woke up day after day hearing nothing but the sound of rain. After the rain stopped, they had to wait even longer until the earth was dry so they could come out of the ark.
Now, what do you think Noah did for all those days? Was he just sitting around day after day, passive and idle, with nothing to do? NO! This man had a lot to do! Noah was diligent. Have you heard the word diligence before? Do you know what it means? Diligence means to be careful in your work and seeing it through. It means that you are thorough, putting in your best effort. Noah had many tasks but he never gave up. He never quit. He was diligent. Let’s see some of the things that Noah was diligent with.
Let me ask you a question; was the ark a tiny little ark or a big ark? Right, it was a big ark. I am sure that the ark needed to be kept clean and in order. Cleaning that big ark was a big task! Maybe when he was done cleaning one area it was time to clean somewhere else! And then somewhere else! Maybe it was a never ending task! And, who was he with inside the ark? Right, he was not alone. His family and some animals were also inside the ark. Who do you think cared for the animals? Animals need care, someone to feed them and someone to clean after them. What happens to a hamster cage if you don’t clean it for a week? It smells! Right? Imagine Noah caring not just for one animal, but for all the animals that were inside the ark. He not only needed to keep the ark clean but also care for all the animals. He needed to give them food and water, care for them and keep everything neat! Oh, wow! I just can’t stop thinking of all the things Noah needed to do! Sometimes your mom might ask you to clean your room and you might say to yourself, “Oh, I will never finish! It wasn’t just me playing in this room! My little sister made this mess! I will be cleaning the whole day!” But next time you open your mouth to say something like this, I want you to think about Noah and all the space he needed to clean!
When I was about your age, I remember I wanted to have a pet. My parents waited until I was old enough to be able to take good care of a pet. So, one day when I came back from school, guess what was in my room? A bunny! An adorable, cute, fuzzy, fluffy, sweet and energetic bunny! I was thrilled! So I quickly set a schedule to care for my bunny. As the days kept going and going I started getting tired of caring for my bunny. Even though she was a lot of fun she was also a lot of work! But, I was diligent to care for my bunny with the help of my parents. [Storyteller, insert your story of having a task and being diligent to complete it.]
So finally, it stopped raining! The boat rested on a mountain. Noah removed the covering of the ark and saw that the earth was dry. Then God spoke to Noah and told him to come out of the ark. So Noah came out of the ark and so did his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives. Noah was diligent to care for those under his care inside the ark!! Can boys and girls in kindergarten be diligent? Can boys and girls in first grade be diligent? Yes! You can be diligent, just like Noah!