Advanced Level, Block 1—Result of Fall
Week 4
Disobeying Jehovah’s Instruction
Point to emphasize: We are responsible for our actions; our disobedient acts have consequences.
Reference Reading: Genesis 3:2-24
Memory Verse: Blessed is the man / Whom You discipline, O Jehovah… (Psalm 94:12)
Story Sample
In our reading of Genesis, the serpent had been talking to Eve and she had been listening. By listening, her idea about the trees changed. Before then, she went along with God’s instruction to not eat of a certain tree, but now, she thought that it would be so good to eat its fruit. She thought that there was no harm in trying it. Before the serpent talked to her, she had followed God’s instruction, but by listening to the serpent, she now doubted God’s word. Okay, now let’s see what Eve could have done differently at this point. What options did she have? [Let the children discuss. She could have called her husband right away. She could have said, “Go away, serpent.” She could have said that she would talk with God about all you say.] But she did not do any of those things. She just followed the serpent’s advice and ate from that tree. Not only that, she gave some to her husband, Adam, too.
Immediately there were consequences! They both knew that they had done something terribly wrong! They tried to cover up their wrongdoing. Then they heard the sound of Jehovah God walking about in the garden and hid themselves. Before this they were so glad to be with Jehovah, but after disobeying, they hid from Him.
Then Jehovah called out to the man, “Where are you?” This really shows God’s kindness. He already knew where they were hiding and what they had done but He wanted them to confess. But instead of fully confessing Adam blamed it on Eve. He said that he only disobeyed because Eve did it first. Then when Jehovah asked her what had happened, she said that it was the serpent’s fault. The serpent had deceived her. Neither of them took responsibility for their actions. They both had disobeyed but neither of them took responsibility.
Right away there were consequences. Jehovah judged the serpent and spoke a solemn word of punishment, making it to crawl on its belly on the earth. Then there were severe consequences for Adam and Eve. Their life would no longer be the pleasant living in the garden, where everything they needed was provided for them. They were sent out of the garden and had to work the ground to grow the fruits and vegetables they needed to live. They would have to work hard to grow things. And having children and raising a family would be hard, too. Everything about their daily life would no longer be easy. It would all be full of hardship.
And sadly, God would no longer be their daily companion. They lost His presence. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and had to face the consequences. They were in this beautiful garden, and they lost it. They lost access to the garden and to being in God’s presence. After this disobedience they were blocked from the garden and could not enter again.
There are certain things that you may be tempted to do and once you act on that suggestion, it has a lasting consequence. My son was told not to play a certain video game that his friends were playing because we had not seen it yet to approve it. But he downloaded it anyway and he played it. The game was about car-racing so he thought it was harmless. But in the background of the game there were some images of ugly skeletons. Weeks later he couldn’t sleep. He had to confess to us that these images kept coming back to him. He was the one who suffered the most from disobeying our instructions. He should have obeyed the instructions we gave him. [Storyteller, use a personal example and then encourage the children to give their example, especially emphasizing that the consequences have a permanent effect.]
Disobedient acts have consequences, and we are living today in the consequences of what Adam and Eve did.