Advanced Level, Block 1, Week 7: The Ones who Choose God and His Way

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Advanced Level, Block 1—Result of Fall

Week 7
The Ones who Choose God and His Way

Point to Emphasize: We need to be those who choose God at every stage of our living.

Reference Reading: Genesis 4:25—5:24

Memory Verse: …For he who comes forward to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6b)

Story Sample

We have talked about Cain and how he decided not to take God’s way, how he murdered his brother and how he left God and left his godly family. He ended up living a godless life, rejecting God altogether. Now it is time to see another way of life, a life choosing Gods way.

After Abel, Adam and Eve had another son named Seth. They raised Seth in much the same way as they had raised Abel and Cain. They spoke of how they lived in the garden with God and about the terrible thing they had done to eat of the wrong tree. They probably spoke of how God took lambs and sacrificed them, clothing them with lamb’s skins. They must have also told him about Abel and Cain. Seth knew that Cain had murdered his brother and left God. At a certain age, Seth also had to choose what kind of life he would have. Seth took the way that his parents taught him. Like Abel, Seth chose God and chose God’s way.

Now Seth grew up and raised his family. His first son was called Enosh. He taught Enosh everything that his parents had taught him about God’s way. Enosh then grew up and took God’s way. He too had a family which took God’s way.

Now let’s make a family line. We begin with the line of Adam. Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. Adam lived for 800 more years. Seth was 105 years old when his son Enosh was born. He lived 807 more years. Enosh had a family and lived 905 years.

The reason I wanted you to see this is so you can know how these men lived and see how long they lived. In their early years they followed their parents to take God’s way. As they got older and started their own families, they chose to take God’s way. As their children grew up and had families of their own, they again chose God’s way. At every stage of their life they chose to know God, to come to Him and to love Him, to depend on Him and to take His way, not their own way. I hope that you would be like these ones who chose God continually. At every stage of your life—right now, as a teenager, and then as a young adult, you would remember and be like those who also chose God.

By our line graph you can see that Adam, Seth and Enosh were alive at the same time. This means that they knew each other. Adam was Enosh’s grandfather. And as they got older, they realized that they needed God even more. They all prayed and talked with God. They all spent time in His presence every day. They called upon the Lord just like your mom and dad do today.

Now, we will skip to the great, great grandson of Enosh. His name was Enoch, and he continued to choose God and follow God’s way as those before him. Only Enoch went even further. Every day Enoch talked with God and spent time with God. He did everything with God. In everything he did, he was seeking to please God. The Bible tells us that the society in which Enoch lived was ungodly. This is a strong term. It means that everything around him was going down, forsaking God. But Enoch did not believe what his friends and neighbors said. He believed God just like his godly relatives before him.

I had the very same experience growing up. I was raised in a family that chose God and His ways. My grandpa and my dad, they both knew and loved God. So, when I was about your age, I was already asking myself, do I want to live like my dad and my grandpa or do I want to choose a different path? Sometimes I really wanted to go to children’s meetings and pay attention, but sometimes, I really didn’t want to go. When grandpa came to visit, he would always ask me, “Can you grab your guitar? Let’s sing a hymn! Oh, sometimes I was willing but sometimes I would just fuss, because I wanted to do something else. Many times, I agreed to join him. I have beautiful memories of all of us singing hymns in our living room. So, I was about your age when I decided to live like them, choosing God and His ways. Now, I’m raising my own family, and I am still choosing God and choosing His ways. [Storyteller, share your story of choosing God and His ways in different stages of your life.]

Now, you need to know that the Bible says that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. And God rewarded Enoch. Enoch lived over 300 years, and everyday he was well pleasing to God. As a reward, God took Enoch for Himself. He was taken from the earth, and he never died. What a wonderful outcome to a history of godly men!

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