Elementary Level, Block 5, Week 44: Caleb—Strong and Determined Companion

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Elementary Level, Block 5—Aaron to Ruth

Week 44
Caleb—Strong and Determined Companion

Point to Emphasize: We can be those who are strong and determined, and are companions of those who follow God.

Reference Reading: Numbers 13—14

Memory Verse: But you be strong and do not let your hands fail, for there is reward for your labor. (2 Chronicles 15:7)

Story Sample

Last week we learned about Joshua. Who was Joshua? Joshua was the leader who brought all the children of Israel into the land God had promised them. We learned that all of you can be good leaders, just as Joshua was. Who practiced being a good leader this last week?

Today I want to tell you that Joshua did not bring the people into the good land by himself. He had a partner whose name was Caleb. What is a partner? A partner is a friend, a companion, one who works together with someone in the same activity. If you decide to make a big fort with pillows and cushions and blankets, you might want to find yourself a partner instead of working alone. Well, Joshua had the best partner.

The Bible says that Caleb was strong. When Caleb was eighty five years old he was still full of energy and was as strong as when he was in his forties. Wow! Can you imagine that? Usually when you meet someone who is around eighty years old, they look older and frail. But we see that even in his eighties, Caleb was a man full of strength and full of energy. Caleb could still be a warrior in his old age. Who wants to be like Caleb?

Caleb was also a determined person. What do you think to be determined means? It means that you make a firm decision and you do not change that. Someone determined is firm, steadfast, decided and does not give up. Caleb was determined to go with Joshua and to gain the land that belonged to the children of Israel. Caleb did not look at the difficult things in front of them. Caleb was determined to go with Joshua as he was also trusting in God’s promises to them.

We can see that Caleb might have not been the leader, but he was the best partner, the best companion to Joshua. In the same way, sometimes we will not be the leader. Someone else will rise up and be the leader and in that case, we want to be those who are the best partner to them. We can’t be weak and we can’t be undetermined or undecided.

One day when I was a lot younger, there was the need to help with singing time during children’s meeting. I knew I was not a good leader for this task. But in my heart I chose to be a good companion to the one who lead the singing. I always paid attention to him. If he would ask the children to clap, I would be the first one clapping. I was a good companion to the leader and between the two of us singing time was very enjoyable! [Storyteller, share a personal story in which you helped a leader accomplish something.]

I hope that you all go home this week and be the best partner for a leader. Maybe you will be the best partner to your mother who is washing dishes. Maybe you can be the best partner to your sibling who is setting up the table. I am sure that you will see many opportunities to be the best companion to others!

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