Pre-school Topics, Block 5, Week 45: Our language allows us to explain our likes and dislikes in food

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Week 45
Our language allows us to explain our likes and dislikes in food

Language is a non-instinctive system of spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by which human beings’ express ideas, emotions, and desires. Language is a huge part of the preciousness of our humanity. Animal communication is the transfer of information by sounds, scents and motions from the sender to the receiver that affects current behavior. It can impact future behavior, too. It is generally instinctive.

Point to emphasize
We all can explain to others what it is about certain foods that we like and why we dislike the taste of others.

Prov. 24:13 “My son, eat honey, for it is good, / And the drippings from the honeycomb, which are sweet to your taste”

Gen. 27:17a “And she put the tasty meal and the bread that she had prepared into the hand of Jacob her son.”

NOTE FOR PARENTS AND SERVING ONES: While in this topic we will discover how we use our language to describe foods that we like or dislike, we discourage the use of words like yucky, disgusting, etc. Instead, steer the children away from these by asking specific questions regarding the food they are describing, for example color, texture, appearance.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we are going to see that since we can speak, we can tell others about why we like or dislike some foods.
  • For in-person meetings: [Have a plate with different fruits and vegetables already washed and cut, ready to be eaten. Have the children taste them. As the children taste them, converse with them about the flavors, textures, appearance of each fruit, for example, bananas are sweet, apples are crunchy, lemons are sour. After they have finished tasting them, ask the children to tell you which one is their favorite one, and why they like that one best. Then ask them which one they like the least and ask them why.] It is amazing that you all can tell me which one is your favorite food, and why! Thank you God for making us this way!
  • For Zoom meetings: [Before the meeting, ask the parents to bring one fruit or vegetable their children like and one fruit or vegetable that they don’t like. Ask the children to explain why they like it or dislike it. If needed, prompt them with questions directed to describe the fruit or vegetable’s flavor, color, appearance, texture, etc. What color is it? Is it sweet or sour?] It’s wonderful that you all can tell me which one is your favorite fruit or vegetable, and which one you don’t enjoy as much. God created us this way!
  • [If needed, you may model the children how to describe a fruit you like and one you dislike.]

I have an orange, and I am going to tell you why I like this orange. It’s such a pretty color! Then, while I am peeling it, I notice the wonderful smell. Oh, it smells so fresh and citrusy! Then, once the peel is gone, I see that it is in little sections that I can break off into bite-sized pieces. How easy it is to eat! And when I put it into my mouth, Oh. It is SO SWEET! I love oranges! And I am so glad that I can tell you why I love them.

Now I want to show you a food I don’t really like too much. [Hold up a beet] Can you tell me what it is? Yes, it’s a beet. It’s not near as pretty as an orange. The color is kind of a purplish red. It looks like an ugly root, not a nice round circle like the orange. And its taste is SO BITTER! Now, this is just what I think. Many people like beets – just not me. Many foods that we don’t care for are still good for us, so we should eat what we are given.

  • Animals cannot explain whether they like a certain food or not. Look at the video of this rabbit [show video #1 of Rabbit Eating (turn off sound).] What foods did the rabbit eat? [Let the children answer.] Could you tell if the rabbit preferred one over the other? [Let the children answer.] Did the rabbit say which one it liked best? NO! No rabbit can talk and say that it likes carrots just a little, hay a little more, and apples a lot. It either eats it or it doesn’t. But it can’t say anything about its food! We can say lots of things about our food! We can say if something is too sour, too sweet, or that we don’t enjoy anything crunchy.
  • God made us with the ability to talk about our food, and explain to others why we like it! We can also tell our mom and dad why we like the delicious food they prepare for us every day and thank them!

Jesus loves the children just like me, me, me

Suggested activities

#1: Which food is it?

Describe different foods and have children figure out which one you are talking about. [If they cannot guess it, have pictures of each to show to help them or use picture #1.]

    • A long yellow fruit (Banana)
    • Round red or green fruit that grow on trees (Apples)
    • Very small round green vegetables (Peas)
    • They can be red or green, grow in vines, and they can be dried to make raisins. (Grapes)
    • Not a fruit or vegetable, it can be eaten scrambled, boiled or fried. (Eggs)
    • Long orange vegetable (Carrots)
    • It’s a red fruit, often used in smoothies, and can be made into jam or jelly (Strawberry)
    • A vegetable that people cry when they cut it (Onions)

#2: This or that?

Have children choose which one they would prefer between two options. Tap their heads if they choose the first one. Jump if they choose the second one. [Show pictures #2-6.]

    • Watermelon or mango?
    • Carrots or celery?
    • Rain or sunshine?
    • Bicycle or scooter?
    • Dogs or cats?

#1: Rabbit eating


#1: Which food is it?
#2: This or that? Watermelon or mango?
#3: This or that? Carrots or celery?
#4: This or that? Rain or sunshine?
#5: This or that? Bicycle or scooter?
#6: This or that? Dogs or cats?

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