Week 47
We all can make up stories
Language is a non-instinctive system of spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by which human beings express ideas, emotions, and desires. Language is a huge part of the preciousness of our humanity. Animal communication is the transfer of information by sounds, scents and motions from the sender to the receiver that affects current behavior. It can impact future behavior, too. It is generally instinctive.
Point to emphasize
We easily can make up (make-believe) a story to share with others.
But the things which proceed out of the mouth come out of the heart. (Matt. 15:18a)
Sample content and conversation with children:
- Today we are going to talk about how we can make up stories using our imagination and how we can tell these stories to others.
- There is a difference between a “real story” and a “made-up” story. A real story includes things that happened at school or at home, or maybe trips you take with your family, or even things that happen while we play. But a made-up story comes from our imagination. These are things that really did not happen. We just think them up in our heads.
- [Show picture #1.] Here is my made-up story about this picture. I had sent away for some scissors, and they finally got delivered. Now, each one of you think about your own made-up story about getting a box. If your parents are there, talk with them about your made-up story. Note: stay away from presents and birthdays, holidays.
- I know that all of you came with wonderful and different stories. Let’s take turns telling our stories.
- You see, we used our imagination and made up a story in our head. This is so marvelous that we can make stories in our heads, but what is even more wonderful is that we can share these stories with others. We can make the stories into words in our heads and tell them to others.
- God made us in such a way that we easily create made-up stories so that we can share them with others.
- Do you think animals can do this? No, they cannot. Like all animals, prairie dogs can communicate in a limited way, but they cannot make up stories like we can. They don’t have an imagination to come up with make-believe stories, they do not have language to express them in words. All prairie dogs can do is to make different sounds or calls when danger is near. [Show video #1]
- I am so thankful that God made me with the imagination to make up stories tell them to others!
Suggested songs
How about the mountains?
Suggested Activities
- Have children come up with their own stories by showing them a picture of the camping site. You can use picture #2.
- Have the children make a story and draw a picture about it, then take turns trying to determine what the story is.
#1: Box being delivered
#2: Camping site
#1: Praire dog making sounds