Pre-school Topics, Block 5, Week 50: Our language allows us to express our ideas and desires

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Week 50
Our language allows us to express our ideas and desires

Language is a non-instinctive system of spoken, manual (signed), or written symbols by which human beings express ideas, emotions, and desires. Language is a huge part of the preciousness of our humanity. Animal communication is the transfer of information by sounds, scents, and motions from the sender to the receiver that affects current behavior. It can impact future behavior, too. It is generally instinctive.

Point to emphasize
We all can easily express to others what good ideas we have and what we hope to do.

Sample content and conversation with children:

  • Today we will see that by using our words we can easily tell others all our good ideas, how we feel, and the things we want to do.
  • Show following pictures while conversing with the children:
    1. [Show picture #1.] What can we do with these things? [Show picture #2.] Yes! We can make a fort. We can use words to tell others our ideas of how to make a fort. How do you make forts at home?
    2. [Show picture #3.] What do you think happened? How does this make you feel? We can use words to say how we feel!
    3. Ask the children what they want to be when they grow up. [Show picture #3.] We can use words to talk about our desires for the future.
  • These are all good ideas. We can think of things and then use our words to say what we think and how we feel and what we want to do. God created us so that we can have these kinds of conversations.
  • Crows are very smart birds. [Show picture #4.] As you get older you can read about them and you will be surprised how intelligent those black birds are. BUT no crow has ever described how they want to be like a fireman or shared how to make a fort. The crow’s brain just does not work like that.
  • By using our words we can tell others the ideas we have in our head, the emotions that fill our heart, and the desires that cause us to do things. The conversations we have with others tell them our ideas, how we are feeling, and what we want to do. These conversations are possible because God created us specially to be able to use words and talk to others. How amazing! Thank You, God, that I can talk to others!

Oh, I’m just too young to drive a car
It’s “Yes,” “Thank You,” “Please,” and “May I”

Suggested activities

I Am Thinking Of… This is a game in which you will describe something; a place, an item, an activity, and the children have to guess what you are thinking of based on your description.

    • I am thinking of a place to buy food. (Grocery store or restaurant)
    • I am thinking of a game you play with a ball and a bat. (Baseball, softball, cricket)
    • I am thinking of something you wear on your head when it’s cold. (Beanie or hat)
    • I am thinking of something you put in front of your eyes when the sun is very bright. (Sunglasses)
    • I am thinking of someone you and your parents visit when you are not feeling well, and they give you medicine to help make you feel better. (Doctor, nurse)
    • I am thinking of a person who goes to school every day and helps children learn. (Teacher, principal, student-teacher, classroom aide)
    • I am thinking of a time when we sing some songs together and learn about how God created us specially. (Children’s meeting)

#1: Things to make a fort
#2: Fort
#3: Ice cream cone on the floor
#4: Different careers
#5: Crow

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