Elementary Level, Block 6—Samuel to David
Week 60
Jonathan—A Friend for David
Points to Emphasize: We can be a good friend to others; we can also choose friends we can trust.
Reference Reading: 1 Samuel 18
Memory Verse: …But there is a true friend that sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24b)
Story Sample:
What makes a good friend? [Storyteller, write a list on the board as the children answer; encourage words like “trust, respect, loyalty, love, etc…] We should be a friend like this and we should have friends like this.
In the Bible there is a good story about two friends, David and Jonathan. These two young people became very good friends. You already know quite a bit about David. You know that he was responsible (caring for the sheep), obedient (doing as his father instructed him, taking supplies to his brothers), brave (standing against Goliath), and respectful of authority (honoring King Saul). David sounds like the kind of friend I would like to have! [Storyteller, you could also add these to the list.]
David’s words and actions showed his wisdom and his dependence upon God. Jonathan could not help but admire, respect, and highly esteem him for that. Jonathan even befriended David, taking him as a very close friend. What Jonathan had seen in David caused him to pledge himself to support David in every way. So, Jonathan gave him his robe, his sword, his bow, and his belt as a pledge of their friendship. Now, these are things a warrior like Jonathan needed very much, nevertheless he gave them away to David. This shows his heart was very pure. Jonathan took care of David as he would take care of himself. Maybe even better!
Now, let me ask you, have you ever seen a friend about to be in danger and you tried to warn them? When I was young, one of my friends had a trampoline. One day we were playing on the trampoline and she started jumping too high. I knew if she kept jumping like that, she could get hurt. So I warned her and said to her, “You’d better stop before you get hurt!” Now, she had a choice to make—she could either listen to the warning of a good friend or she could keep going. Well, she made the wrong choice, and she ended up falling and getting 20 stitches in her head. She really should have listened to me, because I was her friend trying to care for her. [Storyteller, insert your own story of being warned by a friend or of warning a friend. Focus your example on a friend’s help to do what is best. It may be that the friend told you to go home on time, to do what your mom told you to do—also invite examples from the children.]
The same thing happened to David and Jonathan! Before David became king, he went through many difficult moments. It would have been impossible for David to go through all these situations alone. David was able to go through all these difficult times mainly because of the help that Jonathan gave him. I hope that you all choose to be a good friend and choose friends you can trust. Remember that a good and close friend can help you through your most difficult times!