Elementary Level, Block 10—Apostles / Paul
Week 92
Philip—Sharing the Good News
Point to Emphasize: We can be those who share things about God with others, and as we grow up we will be able to share the Word of God with others.
Reference Reading: Acts 8:4-13
Memory Verse: His name will be forever; / As long as the sun endures, His name will spread… (Psalm 72:17a)
Sample Story
When you have some good news, don’t you like to tell others about it? Of course, you do! There was an auntie whose nieces and nephews were learning about growing seeds. These children were SO excited to see how a little seed when put inside the soil and given water and sunlight can grow into a plant or even a big tree! They were so excited that they started planting spinach and watermelons in their backyard! Oh, they wanted ALL of their family to hear the exciting news! When you have good news, don’t you like to tell others about it?
In the Bible there was a man named Philip. Philip heard the good news about Jesus, and right away he became one who wanted to speak about Jesus to everyone he met. Philip must have been so excited to share this good news. In those days, some of the ones who were with Philip were scattered throughout the land. This meant that some of them went north, some went south, some went east and some went west. [Point to the different directions.] Well…what was so good about that? It meant that the good news was spread in every direction to people who might never have heard it! The Word of God spread out all over. It was wonderful!
Does that sound familiar to you? I’m sure it does! Even today, we hear about families moving to other parts of the country or even other parts of the world to bring the good news of Jesus to other people. Recently, a family I know moved to a new place. The children of that family had the practice of having their friends come each Friday to their house for a family time of singing, listening to a story, and having a snack together. At their new place, they decided they would make new friends so that they could invite them over to their house to join their family times! These boys had something fun to share with their new friends. They realized that moving was a good thing because now they could make new friends and invite them to come to their home! [Storyteller, please share a personal example of migrating or talking to new people about God.] Whether you always live in the same place, or whether your family moves to a different city or even a different country, I hope you all will be like Philip, sharing things about God with others wherever you are!
Today, during your family times or during children’s meetings, you learn songs, memorize Bible verses and listen to a lot of wonderful stories! You can share what you learn about God with others. And because of what you are learning today as a child, by the time you are a teenager, you will be able to share the Word of God with others. Then, as you continue to grow into a young person, you will be just like Philip who spoke to others about Jesus.
You can start today! Wouldn’t it be great if you could recite a Bible verse to a friend and make them so happy? Wouldn’t it be great if you and your parents could call a friend or invite them over to your home and have fun times of singing children songs together? [We can’t encourage physical visitations currently, because of the pandemic; however, we can encourage the children to call others via Zoom or Facetime, etc. to share what they have learned about God.]