Advanced Level, Block 10—Continuation and Increase
Week 94
Peter—Standing Up for What is Right
Point to Emphasize: It is hard to stand up publicly for what is right.
Reference Reading: Acts 10:1—11:18
Memory Verse: And do not participate in the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them. (Ephesians 5:11)
Sample Story
If someone were to take a survey and ask you if you stand up for what is right, I am sure every one of you would say, “Yes.” But after our time together today and the same survey is taken, I am not so sure that you would be able to say “yes” so easily.
Today’s story will show how hard it is sometimes to stand up for what is right. Peter was a Jew by his birth and also from his upbringing. Therefore, although Peter had believed in the Lord Jesus, he still kept some Jewish ways. An important practice among the Jews was not to mix with non-Jews, the Gentiles. That means Jews did not make friends with Gentiles, they did not go into a home of a Gentile, and they certainly did not eat with Gentiles. At NO time would a Jew ever share a meal with a Gentile!!
Of course, Peter did not realize that the Lord had abolished this Jewish tradition. So, he still practiced it like a good Jew would. At the time of this story, Peter had gone to visit some Jewish believers in a city called Joppa. Living in a city close to Joppa was a Gentile named Cornelius and he was seeking after God. One day, as Cornelius was praying, he saw clearly in a vision that he was to send men to Joppa and ask for Peter to come. Cornelius immediately sent two servants with a devout soldier to Joppa.
The next day, Peter went up on the housetop to pray and God came to visit Peter. What do you think would have happened if God had not visited Peter? [Let them respond – Peter would never have listened to the men sent by Cornelius.] So, you see, God had to visit Peter, too. While Peter was praying on the housetop, a vision came to him. He saw a vessel like a great sheet descending, being let down by four corners onto the earth. In this vessel were all kinds of animals. These animals were considered by the Jews as “unclean or common” and that the Jews would never ever consider eating them. [Do not discuss what is clean or unclean with the children.] The Lord told Peter to eat these animals. This vision occurred THREE times! BUT, Peter was utterly perplexed as to what this might mean.
Just at that time, the men from Cornelius came to the gate of the house where Peter was staying. They called out to inquire if Peter was there and asked if he would come with them to Cornelius’s house and speak to his household. Peter took a few brothers with him and went with these men to Cornelius. Now Peter understood that through this vision God showed him that he should not call any man common or unclean. Peter had realized that God considered every man the same. So, Peter preached the good news to Cornelius, his family, and his friends. They all believed and were baptized. Peter really stood for what was right in the eyes of God, no matter what men thought.
Now, what about us? What are some things that you might see are wrong and you need to stand up for what is right? [Storyteller, let the children respond to see what conversations come up based on your group of children. If the children mention any LGBT matters, please remain “clean” when discussing these matters. It is too easy for us to fall into the mud and become dirty when talking about this. Unfortunately, many of our children today are numb and have no feeling when they see these kinds of things.] If you see some children making fun of other children or speaking negatively about a person of authority, do you just let it happen and do nothing? Or do you cringe at what you hear them say about others? Do you cringe when you see a commercial or billboard that shows affection that is contrary to how God created us to be? If you can read through a book or watch a video that talks about someone thinking they can change their gender, which is absolutely agains how God created you, and it doesn’t bother you, then you are not standing up for what is right. If you don’t cringe, if you don’t stop watching that video or reading that book, you are not standing up for what is right!
Can you answer the survey now? Do you really stand up for what is right? [Let them answer these questions or based on what they brought up, talk about what they can do to stand up for what is right.]