Advanced Level, Block 5—Frustrations in the Land
Week 41
Crossing Over into the Good Land
Point to Emphasize: Can you do what your parents say without needing an explanation?
Reading Reference: Joshua 1:1-11; 3:1-17; 4:10-11, 18
Memory Verse: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and take courage; do not be afraid or dismayed. For Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
Story Sample:
After the death of Moses, God spoke to Joshua that it was time for him to lead the people across the Jordan River for the promise He had made to His people—the promise of the good land. God told Joshua to be strong and take courage, that He would be with Joshua wherever he would go. He also reminded him to consider the book of the law, day and night, to do all that was written in it, and, if he did, he would have success in whatever he did.
So, Joshua did as he was instructed by God. He gathered all the people together at the Jordan River and gave the instructions for crossing the river. The priests were to go in first, carrying a piece of furniture called the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was the place where God could meet with His people in the tabernacle. Since the priests carried the Ark with them, this meant that God was going with His people. This was during the time of harvest when the river was so high that it was overflowing its banks. When water is so high in rivers, it can be moving very swiftly, and may easily sweep you away. It might have been dangerous to cross the Jordan River at this time for the children of Israel, but the priests were to follow the instructions of God that were given to Joshua. They were to walk into the river carrying the Ark on their shoulders.
Have your parents ever given you instructions that, maybe at that time, seemed to make no sense? Here’s an example: One mom told her son that he needed to come and tell her when he was done after each homework assignment. That meant he needed to get up from his desk in his room and walk to the kitchen to tell his mom each time he finished an assignment. The son would say, “Mom, this doesn’t make sense. It’s a waste of time to come to tell you after each assignment. Tell me why I need to do this.” Mom had her reasons why, but she didn’t have to tell her son the reason why. I’m sure you can all relate to this.
Well, the priests were not like the son who demanded an explanation. They followed God’s instructions exactly, even though they might have wondered about the reason for doing it this way. They carried the Ark and they stepped into the water. Then the water backed up in a heap and the people began to cross the river. Now, maybe there were some of the children of Israel who thought this was not logical. They might have wondered how those priests would be able to hold the Ark while everyone crossed? There were so many people! Surely, they would get tired and put it down and then the people would be covered with water. But they did not question anything. They did exactly as they were instructed. The priests stood in the center until every last one of the children of Israel had crossed over!
It would be really great if we all could be like the children of Israel in this story and say that we followed our parent’s instructions without demanding an explanation. Could you do this? Could you follow your parent’s instructions even if you don’t agree with them? Without asking a single question? Think about this.
With our parents, we often question their instructions wanting an explanation. We want to know why and expect them to give us an explanation instead of just following their instructions. I don’t think even one of you could say you have NEVER questioned your parent’s instructions. But we need to follow our parent’s instructions every day, just as the children of Israel followed God’s word. And the outcome was that they were finally able to enter the good land that God had promised them so many years before.