Advanced Level, Block 6—Struggling with a Kingdom
Week 60
David Having a Heart for God and His People
Point to Emphasize: Will we be like David, having a heart for God at a young age?
Reference Reading: 2 Samuel 2:1, 3-7; 5:1-5, 10; 6:1-5, 12-15, footnote 21; 7:1-11; 1 Chronicles 17:1, 5; 28:2, 11-19, footnote 111
Memory Verse: …For it is not how man sees that matters; for man looks on the outward appearance, but Jehovah looks on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7b)
Story Sample
When we hear or read the stories about David, we often think that he was something spectacular, a person well beyond what we could be. But it is clear that he is a pattern for us. We know at an early age he loved God and God’s people because when Samuel was sent to find and anoint him, Jehovah said that He did not regard the outward appearance but that He looks on the heart. This means that Jehovah saw that David’s heart was already for Him and His people. If your heart is for God when you are fifteen it probably means your heart was for Him when you were even younger. Maybe, David had such a heart even when he was your age.
Then there is the famous story of how David defeated Goliath. Can someone tell us a little about that story? It is easy to remember so many things concerning this incident but can anyone tell us what David spoke to the giant Philistine before he defeated him? He was still a youth during this battle but he spoke to his opponent in such a bold way! He said, “You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of Jehovah of hosts, the God of the ranks of Israel, whom you have defied” (1 Samuel 17:45). So now, what was in David’s heart was put into words for all to hear!
When you read the Bible’s account of David during those years he was evading King Saul, you often come upon phrases like these:
- “And David inquired of Jehovah” (1 Samuel 23:2).
- “O Jehovah the God of Israel, do tell Your servant” (v. 11b).
- “May Jehovah then be Judge and decide between me and you” (24:15).
These show how much he sought after God and wanted to have His presence.
But, the biggest example showing that David’s heart was for God and His people is found when all the enemies had been defeated and David was the king reigning over the nation of Israel. What did David want at this time? [Let the children give answers.] David was not wanting a bigger kingdom or more riches for himself but he wanted to build a house for Jehovah which would be called the Temple. David’s heart for God had grown and developed since he was a young boy. Now, he knew that God needed a house to be among His people.
When the children of Israel were traveling in the wilderness those 40 years, God was among His people because He had the tabernacle. Moses was so close to God that God spent time with him and spoke to him the detailed plans for making the tabernacle. Likewise, at this time in David’s kingship, he and Jehovah were so close that Jehovah gave him the detailed plans to build the temple, the house of God.
This clearly leaves us with something to consider. Our memory verse says that Jehovah looks on the heart. He sees our heart today, but what does He see? Have you ever talked to Him about what He sees in your heart? Does He see a heart that loves our computer, our sports, our achievements, or does He see a heart that loves Him? Will our heart be like David’s when we are in our teen-age years? I hope this is an aspiration in you but aspirations can vanish like smoke. We should all learn to talk to God today, just as David did. We should tell Him that we want a heart like David’s. We want a heart for Him and for His people. Once you talk with God about this it would be so good if you also shared this story about David with your parents and tell them, too, that you want a heart for God and His people.