The Lord Said to Samuel (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

1   The Lord said to Samuel, fill your horn and go,
     I’m sending you to Jesse, and just so you know –
     He has a lot of sons down in Bethlehem
     A king I have chosen and it is one of them.

         You shall anoint for me,
         The one whom I name to you.
         You shall anoint for me,
         The one whom I name to you.

2   Jesse brought to Samuel his tallest son
     Surely he was God’s anointed one.
     But the Lord said, it’s not appearance outwardly;
     He’s not the one I’ve chosen –
     Bring the other sons to me.

         The Lord sees not as man sees
         God looks on the heart.
         The Lord sees not as man sees
         God looks on the heart.

3   1 – No!, 2 – No!, 3 – No!, 4, 5, 6, 7 –
     No! aren’t there any more?
     There remains yet the youngest,
     A shepherd boy is he.
     Send and bring him here,
     He’s the one that I must see!

         The Lord said, Arise and anoint him –
         For this is the one!
         The Lord said, Arise and anoint him –
         For this is the one! (2 times)

(Tune: Davy Crockett, the King of the Wild Frontier)