Intermediate Level, Block 2—Babel and Good Land
Week 15
Abraham—Living a Simple Life of Faith
Point to Emphasize: We should be those that live a life that is simple, just following God.
Reference Reading: Genesis 12:1-8
Memory Verse: For we walk by faith, not by appearance. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Story Sample
Two weeks ago we talked about God calling Abraham, and last week we talked about how he responded to God’s call. Now this week we would like to talk to you about what kind of living Abraham had after he began to follow God. God had promised him that He would lead Abraham to a land He had chosen, and would even make a great nation of him, blessing him greatly. So Abraham began to travel to the land God had promised.
When Abraham came to a place called Shechem, at the oak of Moreh, God appeared to him again. Once again, He promised Abraham that he would give him a land. Do you know what Abraham did? He built an altar. Do you know what an altar is? It is a place to worship God. So the first thing he did after God spoke to him was to build an altar. Before he did anything else, he worshipped God. He put God before everything else, even himself. He didn’t start by building a house, or getting a job, or going to the store. He set every worry about his living aside and only worshipped the one true God.
Many people will say it is foolish to worship only God. Some of the people I love very much will say to me, “Are you going to ANOTHER meeting? Wouldn’t you rather go to the movies or a ball game with us?” They think I’m crazy to go to so many meetings. Do you have this happen with your friends too? Well, I’ll tell you, I would much rather go to a meeting any day! I love to be with all of God’s people!
Then later, after worshipping God, Abraham pitched a tent. He didn’t build a brick building or even a tower like they had in Babel. He knew he wouldn’t stay in the same place for long. So he built a tent. When you go camping, do you take a tent with you? That’s because you know it will only be for a short time. And Abraham knew that he would not want to get too settled because he was following God, wherever He went! This was a very simple life—a life of faith. He believed God would lead him wherever He wanted Abraham to be. Nothing was as important as living this life of faith. Wherever he traveled, he would build altars and pitch his tent. He never cared for more than that, just going where God was going.
I also know people who ask me why I don’t care so much about a new car, or a fancy house, or the best job ever. But you know what? Those things would just make my life so complicated! I wouldn’t have time or the money to spend on what God wants. What about you? Would you rather spend all your allowance so you could have the BEST shoes, or the NEWEST video games, or spend all your time with friends who don’t love God, or just simply love God and His people? [Draw the children into a discussion about things that complicate their lives.] I would rather have a simple life of praising God and living by faith to follow Him.