Intermediate Level, Block 3—Good Land to Egypt
Week 27
Joseph—Being Encouraged
Point to Emphasize: We can be those who are encouraged towards a goal.
Reference Reading: Genesis 41
Memory Verse: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and take courage; do not be afraid or dismayed. For Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
Story Sample
While Joseph was still in jail, Pharaoh had two dreams. In his first dream, he was standing by the river Nile and he saw seven fine-looking and fat-flesh cows that were eating grass in the field. Then he saw seven other cows that were ugly-looking and thin-fleshed that came and ate the seven fine-looking and fat cows; then Pharaoh woke up. Then he slept and dreamed a second time. This time, there were seven ears of grains coming up on one stalk, fat and good. And then, there were seven thin and scorched ears that sprouted after them. The seven thin ears swallowed up the seven fat and full ears. Now, that’s quite a dream, don’t you think?
Well, Pharaoh was troubled! He didn’t know what his dreams meant. So, he called all the magicians and the wise men to interpret his dream, but NO ONE could tell him the meaning of his dream. Remember the cupbearer? He was supposed to tell Pharaoh that Joseph interpreted his dreams but he forgot all about it! It was not until Pharaoh had those dreams that the cupbearer remembered Joseph. That’s when he told Pharaoh that while in jail, he had met a Hebrew man who had interpreted a dream he had and things happened exactly according to the interpretation. When he heard that, Pharaoh sent and called for Joseph. Joseph shaved himself and changed his garments and was quickly brought to Pharaoh.
Pharaoh told Joseph his dreams and Joseph gave Pharaoh an interpretation of his dream as God had shown him. Joseph told Pharaoh that both dreams were just one and that through his dreams, God was letting him know what was going to happen. There were going to be seven years in which the land was going to produce abundantly followed by seven years of a severe famine. I wouldn’t have thought that this was the meaning of that dream! Joseph not only interpreted Pharaoh’s dream but also came up with a plan on how to store the food during the years of abundance to later have enough food during the years of famine. Well, Pharaoh knew that God had shown Joseph what was about to happen. And Pharaoh knew that there was no other as wise as Joseph in the whole land; so Pharaoh put him in charge.
Incredible! On the same day Joseph was released from prison, he was enthroned to be the actual ruler over the whole land of Egypt! Only Pharaoh was above him! Pharaoh took off his ring and gave it to Joseph. Pharaoh also clothed him with fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck. Not only this, Pharaoh also made him ride in the chariot of his second-in-command and every one bowed their knee to Joseph. Can you believe this?
If I were Joseph, I would certainly have been encouraged that my dreams one day would be fulfilled! He must have felt really happy and cheered up! I’ve had moments like this. You see, even when I was your age, I always wanted to graduate from college. But before you graduate from college, you have to go through so much. You have to first graduate from elementary school; then from middle school, and then from high school. Then you have to apply for colleges and see if you get in. After you get in, you have to read many books. You have to memorize so many things. You have to write so many essays. I remember days when I would ask myself, would I really make it? However, the day that I graduated from high school, I remember that I had a moment where I felt so encouraged! I felt I was not going to give up! I told myself that the idea of me going to college might actually be really happening one day! [Storyteller, share a personal story where you felt encouraged towards a goal.]
Joseph was seventeen years old when he had his dreams. And he was already thirty years old when he began to reign over Egypt. Thirteen years had gone by. During those years he must have experienced many hardships. But he was never discouraged, because he was a man guided by the dreams he had been given by God. He didn’t know when his dreams would be fulfilled, but at this very moment he is out of jail and he is starting to see things going upward!