Intermediate Level, Block 7—Kingdom Degrading
Week 61
David—Wanting to Build a House for God
Point to Emphasize: We can be someone who cares for what God needs and desires.
Reference Reading: 1 Chronicles 17, 22; 2 Samuel 6—7
Memory Verse: One thing I have asked from Jehovah; / That do I seek: / To dwell in the house of Jehovah / All the days of my life… (Psalms 27:4a)
Story Sample
Last week we heard the story of David becoming a king. Today we will hear something concerning David’s last years as king. While Saul only cared for himself, David cared about God!
David had become king and God established his kingdom. David was king over all the children of Israel. He had God’s presence. He lived in Jerusalem and had a beautiful palace there. He really had everything he needed. Just like us, David had family, a place to live, clothes to wear and good things to eat. God cared for him in every way.
But still David was concerned about something. He was concerned that God would again have a way to dwell among His people. From the time God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He dwelled in the tabernacle (a big tent) among His people. This is what God wanted. He wanted to be with His people, to dwell among them. So, throughout their journey through the wilderness until the time they came into the good land of Canaan, the children of Israel worshipped God as He dwelt in the tabernacle among them.
The children of Israel no longer lived in tents. Now, in the good land, they had cities and houses. But God, Whom they worshipped, still lived in a tent. David was concerned about God’s house. God still desired to be with His people, but He needed a permanent dwelling place among His people. God needed a temple. God’s heart was to dwell among His people, and David had this desire for God’s house because he was a man according to God’s heart.
We also can be like David caring for what God desires. Today, God does not dwell in a physical temple, but His desire is still the same—to dwell with His people. We can be in a meeting hall or in our homes caring for people, and in this way, we are still caring for God’s needs and desires. I know of a family who had a boy and a girl about nine and seven years old. This family often had people over for meals and also held meetings in their house. It was always the children who answered the door and welcomed those who came. They greeted each one so warmly, letting you know that they were truly happy to have you in their home. Then they would take your coats, sweaters or purses and put them into the closet. The children would show you into the living room, kitchen or backyard depending on where their parents were. Those children may not have known it but by caring for those coming to their home in such a good way, they were caring for the same thing God desires. There was another family who had a seven year-old son. Every time anyone came to stay at his home, he would tidy up his room, putting everything in its place. He then would give up his bed so the guest could stay in his room. He was always happy to do this! He got to meet different ones from other cities. He felt it was his way to be part of a normal Christian family. He too, had a heart like David. [Storyteller, use your own example of experiencing or giving hospitality.]
We want to be according to God’s heart. But do we just have to wait until we are older? NO! We have many ways to be for God’s need today. Who has helped clean up the house when God’s people are coming over to eat? Who has gone with your folks to help clean the meeting hall? Who has given up your bed so that people from other cities could have a place to sleep? Who has been ready to go on time Lord’s Day morning? All of these things show that we have a heart for God. Remember, David started having a heart for God when he was young, and we can be just like him today.