Intermediate Level, Block 8—Recovery
Week 71
The Decree of Cyrus, King of Persia
Point to Emphasize: We should expect answers to prayers, sometimes in unexpected ways.
Reading Reference: Ezra 1—2
Memory Verse: You will pray to Him, and He will hear you… (Job 22:27a)
Story Sample
We have had some interesting stories recently about Daniel. Which one did you like best? (See how the children answer.) Our memory verse from last week was Daniel 6:10b. Who can tell me what that verse says? (And three times daily he knelt on his knees and prayed and gave thanks before his God…) That’s right! It is about Daniel praying. Now, if we prayed three times every day for around seventy years, what should we expect? AN ANSWER!!! Yes, we should expect God to answer. Daniel was surely expecting God to answer his prayers and to fulfill His Word concerning the children of Israel returning to their land. And today we will begin the story of how God answered those prayers. But how He answered those prayers will surprise you.
During this period of history in the Old Testament, there were kings who ruled vast areas of lands and people. Today we have different countries on the earth—like the United States, Canada, and Mexico. But when Daniel was praying there were kings with kingdoms. He was in Babylon. This was the Babylonian Empire. They were the ones who took the children of Israel captive. Then a king from another empire came and conquered them. The whole area now became part of the Persian Empire and it was ruled by King Cyrus. It was through this king that God answered Daniel’s prayer and fulfilled what He had promised in His Word.
Now, King Cyrus was not an Israelite and he did not worship God. But he was a most powerful king and God used him. Cyrus made a proclamation —an official public announcement throughout all his kingdom— and put it into writing. He declared that Jehovah, the God of heaven, had given him all the kingdoms of the earth, and that He had charged Cyrus to build His house in Jerusalem. WOW! This is some declaration. Let’s consider it a little more.
So, was Cyrus claiming that he had won all the wars and conquered all the peoples to gain such a huge empire? (Let the children discuss this.) No, Cyrus gave all the credit to God. Many kings would never have made this kind of proclamation. Most kings would have said, “I, the greatest king, have conquered so many peoples with my powerful army so that now I rule over such a great empire!” They would have taken all the credit for themselves. But, Cyrus the king of Persia, did something amazing. He said that God had given this great empire to him.
And he did something even more amazing! He proclaimed that he would build God a house in Jerusalem and declared that any of the children of Israel under his rule were free to leave and return to Jerusalem to build. This was the answer to Daniel’s prayer. Daniel had been praying around seventy years and now God was answering those prayers. This was the fulfillment of His promise in His Word! Can you believe God used a great powerful king who did not even worship him and was not one of His people to do this?? Well, He did!! God is so wise and faithful to answer our prayers!
God does answer prayer! [Storyteller, include a simple story of how God answered your prayer.]
Sometimes we expect God to answer our prayer right after we pray to Him. But often, like in the story of Daniel, prayers are answered after a long period of time and in ways we don’t expect.
I hope all of us would talk to God every day. Maybe when you are older you will be able to share your stories of how God answered your prayers.