Intermediate Level, Block 9, Week 85: Jesus’ Ministry (1)—Preaching and Teaching

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Intermediate Level, Block 9—Biographies of Jesus

Week 85
Jesus’ Ministry (1)—Preaching and Teaching

Point to Emphasize: We can be those who talk to others about God and His Word.

Reading Reference: Luke 2:10; 9:10-17; 4:32; Matthew 1:23; John 7:46

Memory Verse: Make known His deeds among the peoples. (Psalm 105:1)

Story Sample

A few weeks ago, we heard how an angel came to the shepherds watching over their flocks at night. The angel said, “…I announce to you good news!” (Luke 2:10). The birth of Jesus was good news for all the people. Of course, the birth of a baby is always happy news, but the angel meant much more than that. The good news was that this baby was Emmanuel, God with us. The angel knew that when Jesus grew up, He would be good news for all the people, AND this is just what happened!

Jesus started His ministry when He was 30 years old. The word “ministry” means that Jesus was carrying something out by His speaking. He traveled all around the land of Judea and shared about God and God’s Word with people. His sharing made most people happy. His speaking to them was “good news”. This is what the word “gospel” means; it means good news. Most people were so happy to hear Him that soon crowds followed Him wherever He went.

There is a story in the New Testament of how Jesus fed 5,000 people with two fish and five loaves of bread. Let’s consider why 5,000 people needed to be fed. [Let the children give some answers.] We can say that it was too late for them to return home to get food or that there were no stores or restaurants there BUT there is a much more important reason. You see, all those people had come from their villages to HEAR Jesus! They wanted to hear what He had to say! So, they traveled a distance from their towns out to a deserted place where He was. They spent the WHOLE day listening to Jesus share with them.

Have you ever listened to someone for the WHOLE day? That is much more than just listening to your teacher at school or listening to a story in the children’s meeting. It means from sometime in the morning until the evening people sat and listened to Jesus sharing with them! You would have to really like what He said to be able to listen that long!

In Luke 4:31 we are told that Jesus went to Capernaum, a city in Galilee and He taught in a synagogue on the Sabbath. All who heard Him that day were astounded at His teaching because His word was with authority. This means that they could tell that He knew what He was talking about. Then in John 7, we are told that Jesus went and spoke to a crowd on the last day of the great feast. After hearing Him, many of those attending the feast said, “Never has a man spoken as this man has.” Now, maybe we can see why people could spend the whole day listening to Him. These people at the feast had never heard ANYONE speak like Jesus!

Now, I’m sure not one of us can astound people by what we say. But we surely can share about God and His Word with others as He did. I remember a boy who shared a children’s meeting song with his class at school. He was your age when he did it. The teacher wanted each one in class to share their favorite poem or song in front of the class. So, this boy shared his favorite song which was from the children’s meeting. The teacher really liked the song and asked him where he learned it. He said that each Lord’s Day he went to the children’s meetings where he sang songs and heard stories about God. In such a simple way, this boy shared something about God with the whole class. [Storyteller, give your own example.]

Maybe, we would not want to sing in our classroom, but there are many little ways we can share about God and His Word with others. What are some ways you might share a verse, a Bible story, or a song with someone? [Let the children discuss this.] In all these ways we can be like Jesus, sharing something about God and His Word with others.

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