Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 1, Week 5: The Tragedy of the Universe—The Fall of Man

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Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 1—The Story of the Universe

Week 5
The Tragedy of the Universe—The Fall of Man

Reading Reference: Gospel Outlines, Subject 5, I-II; Life-study of Genesis, msg. 18; Gen. 3

Memory Verse: Now the serpent was more crafty than any other animal of the field that Jehovah God had made. And he said to the woman, Did God really say, You shall not eat of any tree of the garden? (Gen. 3:1)

Suggested Songs: I have learned a lesson now

Scripture Reading: Gen. 3

Points to Emphasize

  • Satan’s temptation—Gen. 3:1-6

Describe the passage in Genesis 3:1-6 which shows how Satan hid himself in a serpent and tempted man by subtle and tricky words that caused man to question God, God’s heart and God’s word. All these questions were like a fog that trapped man and led him astray. [You may use examples from advertisements to show how subtle, tricky words deceive people.]

  • Man’s doubt—Gen. 3:4-6

Once man was tempted and accepted Satan’s words, right away he began to doubt God, God’s heart, and God’s word.

Years ago I read an article by a Baptist minister in the United States in which he said, “The question mark is shaped like a serpent standing up and asking, ‘Has God said?’” We should not question any of the words in the Bible but should say “Amen” to every word.

  • Man was deceived—2 Cor. 11:3

When man was deceived, Satan’s temptation had succeeded. Man sinned willingly, by the choice of his free will; nevertheless, man was cheated by Satan. Satan used trickery to deceive the human race. [You can mention how sometimes we can get in trouble when we follow the wrong person or the wrong crowd.]

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