Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 1, Week 1: The Meaning of the Universe—God

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Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 1—The Story of the Universe

Week 1
The Meaning of the Universe—God

Reading Reference: Gospel Outlines, Subject 2; Gen. 1:1; Rom. 1:20; Acts 14:15; Psa. 8:1, 3

Memory Verse: The heavens declare the glory of God, / And the expanse proclaims the work of His hands (Psa. 19:1)

Suggested Songs: God’s design

Scripture Reading: Gen. 1:1; Rom. 1:20; Acts 14:15; Psa. 8:1, 3

Points to Emphasize

  • The universe is the proof of God’s existence—1:1; Rom. 1:20; Acts 14:15

The meaning of the universe is to prove the existence of God. [You may use the example of a painter and how his art pieces express him. In the same way the creation expresses God our creator.]

  • The universe is the manifestation of God’s glory—Psa. 8:1, 3

Psalm 19 says that God’s glory is the manifestation of God in some aspects:

      1. The greatness of the universe.
      2. The wonder of the universe.
      3. The brightness of the universe.
      4. The beauty of the universe.
      5. Lovingkindness.

[You may bring photos or use an electronic device to show some of these things.]

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