Elementary Level, Block 2, Week 17: Isaac—Having a Life of Inheriting, Resting and Enjoying

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Elementary Level, Block 2—Noah to Isaac

Week 17
Isaac—Having a Life of Inheriting, Resting and Enjoying

Point to Emphasize: We can be those who enjoy what God has given to us.

Reference Reading: Genesis 21, 24, 26

Memory Verse: Is anything too marvelous for Jehovah? (Genesis 18:14)

Story Sample

Do you remember from last Week 1how Abraham responded to God after He asked for their son? What was his son’s name and why was he so special to them and to God? That’s right, Isaac was given to Abraham and Sarah by God, and Abraham offered his son Isaac back to God. As he grew and lived, Isaac’s life was like no other, and today we will see why. There are three words that describe Isaac’s life: inheriting, resting and enjoying. [Write them up on the board.]

Isaac received an inheritance. Who knows what an inheritance is? If you look it up in a dictionary, an inheritance is something someone receives from a parent or other family member. Isaac inherited everything that his father Abraham had! Abraham had a lot of possessions, and Isaac was Abraham’s only heir who could receive it as an inheritance. Isaac just received everything that Abraham had. Isaac didn’t have to do anything in order for him to inherit his father’s riches. Isaac didn’t have to work. He was born to just inherit! Can you imagine such a life? I want you to imagine for a moment that someone tells you that you are about to inherit a lot of money, and possessions, and land, and so much more! Wow! Can you just imagine! Well, this was Isaac’s life. Isaac not only received all the material things Abraham had, but even more, Isaac also inherited the promise God gave to Abraham. We will talk more about God’s promise to Abraham later.

Isaac was also a restful person. He was always resting. Don’t get me wrong, Isaac did encounter troubles in his life. But despite the troubles he faced, he was always at rest, and he was not troubled. He was never worried. He was never anxious. He was always restful. Throughout my life I have observed how my dad is a restful person. I have never seen him anxious. While I was growing up we had many situations in which he should have been worried. But I would see him so calm and relaxed. He would always tell me, “Don’t worry, God will take care of everything.”

Isaac was also an enjoyer. His entire life was a life of enjoyment. He did not suffer. He did not strive. He simply enjoyed everything that God had provided for him throughout his life! [Storyteller, please insert your own personal story of inheriting, resting or enjoying.]

The more we talk about Isaac, the more I want to be like him! Don’t you want to be like Isaac? You can have a life of inheriting, resting, and enjoying! What a life that can be! Well, let me tell you that you all can be like Isaac. We are all in this children’s meeting. If you look around and consider, we have stories to listen to, songs to sing and snacks to eat. Who wrote the songs we sang today? Who put the tune to the songs we sang? Who made the transparencies? Who played the guitar for you to sing? In a sense, you are inheriting, receiving all that someone else has worked hard to give you. You all can come and just rest and enjoy because everything has been prepared for you! We all don’t need to strive. We have the best! We can just live a life of resting and enjoying everything God has for us here, just like Isaac. We all can be Isaacs!

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