Pre-school Topics, Block 2, Week 11: Planning ahead (1)

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Week 11
Planning ahead (1)

In this block we discover that we are thoughtful; we plan ahead, we are kind to others, we can consider others and act upon it, and we can easily share. To highlight these precious traits, we compare these to specific animals that do not exhibit these traits.

Point to emphasize
In His creation, our God was purposeful. He planned ahead. We too can plan ahead. When we do, we are less likely to be discouraged and more likely to attain our goal.

Luke 14:28

Sample content and conversations with children

  • Do you like going to the beach? [Introduce this topic visually by drawing some waves, bright sun OR bringing out from a tote bag some sunglasses, goggles, sunblock.] How would you prepare for a trip to the beach? [I.e. I would check the weather.] What would you wear? [Have the children make suggestions.] What would you bring with you? [I.e. sunblock, sand toys, beach chairs, snacks, drinks.] What might happen if you don’t plan ahead? Before we take a trip, we plan ahead. Unlike us, animals do not plan ahead.
  • There is a fish called the remora, sometimes called suckerfish, travels by attaching itself to larger fish. [Show pictures.] However, they just go wherever the larger fish goes. They do not consider where they are going. The fish never considers where it goes. It just goes! [As you show the pictures you can add, the remora fish doesn’t say “I want to go left or right. It just attaches or sticks to a larger fish and just goes wherever the large fish goes.]
  • We can consider and plan for the places we go. Consider having a creative conversation with the children on how they can plan and what things they bring when they go to: a park, grandparent’s house, picnic, etc.
  • I am so glad God made us this way! We can all plan where we are going!

Suggested activities/games

  • Prepare a number of clothing items beforehand [I.e. sandal, snowboot, t-shirt, warm coat]. Have the children guess where you are going based on the item of clothing.
  • Think of a place you’d like to go with your family. Draw pictures of things you would bring or wear.
  • Plan a virtual trip with your family. Sky’s the limit!

Suggested songs
Before God put the leaves on the trees
How about the mountains?

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