Pre-school Topics, Block 2, Week 13: Considering others—I am different than bees

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Week 13
Considering others

In this block we discover that we are thoughtful; we plan ahead, we are kind to others, we can consider others and act upon it, and we can easily share. To highlight these precious traits, we compare these to specific animals that do not exhibit these traits.

Point to emphasize
I can be considerate of others and act upon it, not like the bees.

Hebrews 10:24a: “And let us consider one another…”

Sample content and conversations with children

  • Let me tell you something that happened to me this week. [Sample story of how the storyteller felt sick and someone was considerate of you.] A few days ago, I was not feeling too well. I was in pain. [The storyteller can show how sad they were feeling using facial expressions and/or a simple stick figure with a sad face.] What do you do when you get sick? Right! I needed to rest a little during the day. But I have three children not much older than you all. And it’s not so easy for moms to have a break during the day. Well, when my children saw that I was a little sick, they decided to do all their chores and their homework on their own, and then afterwards, they played quietly while I rested! Wasn’t that nice of them? Oh, let me tell you, I was sooo grateful to them for taking care of me that way. What do you do when your mom is sick? Do you feel sad that she is sick and want to help her feel better? Do you care for her playing quietly for a while? You know, God made us that way! We can think about others’ feelings. Sometimes we feel sad when others are also sad. And not only that, we can consider others and do something about it! We can care for them, help them, and show them how much we love them!
  • Last spring and summer, when it was warm outside, there were lots of bees coming to our/”my friend’s” backyard to drink water from our pool. [Show pictures of pool and bee drinking water from the hose here.] Why were there so many bees? Well, they went to the pool to drink water. You know, bees live in beehives all together. But even though they all live together, they don’t take care of each other like we care for our family, friends, and neighbors. One day we saw a hurt bee on the floor outside [show picture], and then another bee flew close by. We thought it was going to help the bee on the floor or check on it, but it just flew away! It showed no concern for the fallen bee!

Oh no! What’s happening in this picture? She’s about to fall off her tricycle! What can we do if we see someone fall down? [Let the children answer] Go and check on them, bring a band aid, help them up from the ground, go get an adult… That’s right! Because we can be considerate!

  • If you have more time you can cover another example that shows that bees do not consider others:

What do you think they are doing? Well, the bees are flapping their wings to fan the hive so they can cool this one bee, the biggest one that is inside the hive. You might think the little bees are so nice to the big bee…Well, this is how they were made. But, the interesting thing is that the big bee would NEVER do the same for the little bees. The big bee doesn’t care for the little bees… Wow, I’m so glad that I’m not a bee, and that I can be considerate of others.

Suggested songs

  • Song activity: singing a song at different volumes (normal vs quiet).

A friend loveth at all times
When we’re kind to others (When we think of others; When we love each other)

Suggested activities/games

  • Craft: a “hug” card (if someone is not feeling good, we can make them feel better with a hug)

Suggestion to parents: what about mailing this card to someone during the pandemic, to show them that we are thinking of them? ex. grandparents, friends, etc.

  • I Can Consider Others Coloring Book – Click here to see attachment.

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