Intermediate Level, Block 1—Creation, Fall, and Flood
Week 3
Adam and Eve—Were Given a Choice
Point to Emphasize: We have choices we can make.
Reference Reading: Genesis 2
Memory Verse: Who then is the man who fears Jehovah? Him will He instruct concerning the way that he should choose. (Psalm 25:12)
Story Sample
Now Adam and Eve were living in the place that God had prepared for them, the garden of Eden. Adam’s job was to work in the garden and keep it just as God had made it. I know a gardener and he just loves his job! He said it makes him feel so good to be outside, enjoying God’s creation. He can watch the grass and flowers and trees grow; then he cuts, trims, and digs up the soil so that it will keep growing. He told me it makes him feel very good when he is done and he can see how pretty everything looks. So Adam had a very good job!
God not only placed this couple in a wonderful place, He also provided them with the best food. He could have given them many instructions, but He gave them only one. He told them that they could eat from every tree in the garden – EXCEPT from one. He instructed them that they could not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He warned them that if they did that, it would only lead to trouble.
God gave them the choice. He could have just decided to not put that tree in the garden and everything would have been fine. But He wanted them to make a choice – to choose what God wanted.
We make choices every day, especially about our food, don’t we? When I was young, sometimes I would go in the kitchen to get my breakfast ready and I would see leftover pie from the night before sitting there. Even though my mom had told me a hundred times that it is not good to eat sugar for breakfast, I would still be tempted to choose the pie over the egg that was so much healthier. You know what I mean? Veggies for a snack are better than chips, but how often do you choose the chips over the carrots? [Insert a personal example of making the right choices for a 7/8 year old.]
Our days are filled with choices! Should we choose to say something mean or something nice? Should we disobey our parents or should we obey them? Should we choose friends that are always getting in trouble or should we choose friends that want to do what is right? So many choices to make!
I have to admit that sometimes I have made the wrong choices. I can tell you that every time I had to choose between pie and an egg, I didn’t always choose the right thing. It’s okay if yesterday you made a mistake. Today is a new day to go on. We can decide, “Today I want to make the right choice.”
So God not only created man, He also gave him the best place to live, the best things to eat and most of all, He gave him the ability to make a choice about what to do. So this week let’s all try to make the best choices in everything we do or say!