Intermediate Level, Block 1, Week 6: Enosh and Enoch—Depending on God

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Intermediate Level, Block 1—Creation, Fall, and Flood

Week 6
Enosh and EnochDepending on God

Point to Emphasize: We can learn from Enosh and Enoch to live our life depending on God.

Reference Reading: Genesis 4:16—5:32

Memory Verse: Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, / And do not rely on your own understanding; (Proverbs 3:5)

Story Sample

At the very beginning, there was Adam. And Adam’s family kept growing. Years after Adam came Enosh; and years later came Enoch. Enosh and Enoch were part of the same family, and they both had in common a very important characteristic: they lived their life depending on God.

First of all, what do you understand by the word “depend”? What does it mean to depend on something? To depend on something or on someone means that you can’t live without that thing or that person. Let’s list some of the things that we simply can’t live without. [Write on the board: “We depend on…” and “We don’t depend on…”. Help the children to name items like food, water, air, sleep, family and write these under the first column. Things we don’t depend on can be video games, soda, toys. (Don’t spend too much time on the second list.)] So, it doesn’t matter what your age is. It doesn’t matter what grade you are in. It doesn’t matter if you are an 8 year old boy or a 42 year old dad. We all need food, water, air, sleep and a family. Without these things in our lives, we can’t live. Now, where does God fall on these two lists? Of course! We can depend on God! Yes, God! God is like food, like the air, like the water. We need God as part of our life every single day!

Ok, let’s go back to Adam’s family. Enosh was part of the third generation in the Bible. And Enosh realized that the human life was weak, fragile. So he started to call, to cry out, the name of Jehovah. He was in trouble; he didn’t know how to live his life, so he decided to call “JEHOVAH”. Enosh depended on God to live his life. What do you do when you need help? Yes, you call, “Mom, help!” or, ”Dad, help!” After Enosh called Jehovah, I know he was so relieved that whenever he was lonely, whenever he was sad, or even when he was happy, he could call, “JEHOVAH”. So, don’t think you need to “do it all”. It is okay to ask for your parent’s help or your teacher’s help or your serving one’s help. You can ask for help!

Years later came Enoch, and Enoch went even further when he decided how to live his life. The Bible tells us that Enoch walked with God. If we read Genesis 5:21-24 carefully, we will see that Enoch began walking with God at the age of sixty-five and continued walking with God for three hundred years. WOW! That is a giant number! To walk with God means that Enoch didn’t do things as he wanted. Enoch was always with God, and God was always with Enoch every day of his life. So Enoch lived his whole life depending on God! This means that when he got up in the morning, God was there. When he was eating his meals, God was there. When he was doing his chores, God was there. That is awesome! I’m sure Enoch knew how to do his chores. He didn’t need anyone to do it with him. But Enoch decided to depend on God for everything!

So, both Enosh and Enoch lived their lives depending on God. Enosh sought God when he was weak. But what about when you are doing something that you can do by yourself? Do you need God for that? Well, that is the way Enoch lived. Even when he was not a young boy anymore and was an older man, he could have lived his life by himself and the way he wanted; but Enoch decided to live his life depending on God.

Children, there are many people around us who do not know God as Enosh and Enoch. They think of God as someone to go to only when they are in need. But we know that we can talk to God and we can walk or live with God every single day! Do you know that each one of you, just like Enosh and Enoch, can talk to God? We can tell God so many things! He is our Creator. He placed us in a family. He provides for our needs. He is our wonderful God! There are so many things for which we can give thanks to God!

So we see that Enosh and Enoch could have lived the way they wanted. They could have done the things they thought were best for them. I am sure they had their own abilities and they were more than capable to make a living for themselves. Why did they live their lives depending on God? They all realized that the only way to follow God’s way was to depend on God. They knew God was the one that was fit and capable to lead them. They constantly, day by day and moment by moment, depended on God by talking to God and walking and living with God. Let’s follow their example this week!

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