Intermediate Level, Block 1—Creation, Fall, and Flood
Week 8
Noah—Choosing to Enter the Ark
Point to Emphasize: We should enter into the things that God has prepared for us.
Reference Reading: Genesis 7:1-16
Memory Verse: Because God has provided something better for us… (Hebrews 11:40a)
Story Sample
After many years of building the ark and preparing for the flood, finally the ark was ready! God told Noah to enter the ark and, after seven days, God caused it to rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights. Now, do you remember who was supposed to get into the ark? Right. Noah, his wife, Noah’s sons and his sons’ wives were all supposed to enter. Then, he also had to take some animals. God told him to take seven pairs, a male and female, of every clean animal, then another seven pairs of every unclean animal. Noah also took seven pairs of the birds of heaven, as well as of the cattle and of everything that creeps upon the ground. And two by two, a male and a female, the animals entered into the ark, just as God had commanded.
So, that day Noah made a very important decision. Noah and his wife chose to enter into the ark that God had planned for them. So, picture this with me. Noah and his wife —dad and mom— are inside the ark. But, what about Noah’s sons? What did they do? Did they go inside the ark right away? Did they follow dad and mom inside the ark? I picture Noah’s sons standing there in front of that huge ark, and they see their parents entering the ark following God; but they had other choices, you see. Maybe they looked up and it wasn’t even raining and they saw everyone else outside perhaps laughing at them thinking they were all crazy. It must have been a tough and hard decision for Noah’s sons to make. Wouldn’t you think so? The sky was clear, yet these eight people were leaving their homes and everything else and just going into an ark. What would you have done? Well, Noah’s sons and their wives followed Noah and they all too chose to enter the ark. God didn’t force them to enter. Noah’s sons had options, but they made the right choice to enter the ark with their parents following God!
The Bible says in Genesis 7:16 that when they were all inside, “Jehovah shut the door behind them”. And then, not just drops started coming down, but the Bible says that “all the springs of the great deep burst open, and the windows of heaven were opened…waters increased and lifted up the ark, and rose it high above the earth…and the ark went about on the surface of the waters…all the high mountains that were under the entire heaven were covered.” WOW!! It happened just as God had told Noah! Can you imagine?! This huge ark was being lifted up and was floating above the water? It wasn’t a little tug boat, you know! Now, take a minute to think with me. How do you think Noah’s sons felt at that moment? How do you think they felt when the ark was being lifted up off the ground? How about when the ark started moving? What did it sound like when all you heard was water coming from everywhere? What were they thinking? How were they feeling? I’m sure they felt safe, cared for not only by their parents but by God. [Guide the children to say, happy they were inside the ark, relieved they made the right choice by entering with their parents, glad they followed their dad Noah, thankful to God for such a provision, etc.]
I’ll let you know what happened to me one day. My parents took me to every church meeting they went to. Sometimes, there were no children’s meetings, and we were supposed to bring our books to read or paper to draw on and stay quietly next to them. For me, it was kind of boring at times. So that day, I decided not to enter and stay outside playing with other kids. But my sister decided to enter and stay with my parents. What happened next, I will never forget. The children outside started to throw rocks at each other. I took just one rock and threw it and guess what… It landed on one of my friend’s face and oh, it was terrible. We had to rush to the meeting to get our parents out. My dad was not happy with me. And inside of me I felt just terrible. I wish that day I would have entered that meeting and followed my parents. [Give your personal example of choosing to follow your parents to do something and feeling relieved you did.]
While growing up you will face this situation many, many times. God has prepared many things for you to be safe and be rescued. Let’s name a few. God has prepared a home for you. He has provided you with a family. How about having the proper companions? Aren’t you happy you are in the children’s meeting? There are many wonderful things that God has prepared for each one of you. You are in the best place! And as you grow older, you will even see more and more things that God has planned for you. You need to keep your eyes open! But, God will not force you to choose these things. Will you go in following what God prepared for you? Or will you take another way? I assure you that when you follow God and you choose to enter into the things God has planned and prepared for you, you will feel safe and rescued. Just like Noah’s sons must have felt when they were inside the ark as it started raining, in the same way, you will have the sense that you are in the best place! I want to encourage you to make the right choices by entering into the things God has planned and prepared for you!