Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 2, Week 6: Where are You?—In Sin (Constituted Sinners)

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Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 2—“Where are You?”

Week 6
Where are You?—In Sin (Constituted Sinners)

Reading Reference: Life-study of Romans, msgs. 10, 32; Basic Lessons of Life, ch. 5; Gen. 3:11b; Rom. 5:12a, 19; 7:18a

Memory Verse: …Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? (Gen. 3:11b)

Suggested Songs: It’s better to obey

Scripture Reading: Gen. 3:11b; Rom. 5:12a, 19; 7:18a

Points to Emphasize

  • Sin entered into man—Gen 3:11b; Rom. 5:12a

Through man’s fall, man let sin enter into him. Romans 5:12a says that through one man sin entered into the world. Actually, the world here means mankind. When sin entered into man, that really meant that Satan entered into man.

  • As a result of Adam’s disobedience, the many, including us, were constituted sinners—Rom. 5:19; 7:18a

We may use the illustration of a mother warning her child not to take in something poisonous. This is the mother’s commandment. If the mother leaves home and the child takes in that poison, this is not merely a transgression [disobedience] against the mother’s commandment. It is a receiving of the poison into the child’s being. This is an illustration of what happened when man fell.

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