Sixth Grade Lessons, Block 2—“Where are You?”
Week 8
Where are You?—Under Condemnation
(Revised on 03/16/2024)
Reading Reference: Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, vol. 4, ch 10, “Man’s Fall”; Gospel Outlines, Subjects 13 (II), 12 (I-V), 169 (I-II), 109 (I-II); Gen. 3:9; Rom. 5:18; 1 John 5:17a; 3:20, Rev. 20:10; 21:8
Memory Verse: So then as [it was] through one offense unto condemnation to all men. (Rom. 5:18a)
Suggested Songs: C-o-n-s-c-i-e-n-c-e
Scripture Reading: Rom. 5:18; 1 John 5:17a; 3:20
Points to Emphasize
- God governs the universe
This universe is not without a government or administration. God is the ruler of the universe.
- “Through one offense unto condemnation to all men” ( 5:18)
When God first created man, God loved man the best; man was the chief delight of God’s heart. But man’s sins offended God’s righteousness and kept God from accepting man.
All of mankind has been condemned because of Adam’s one offense in the garden of Eden. We have not been condemned because of the sins we have committed but because of the one offense of Adam. As men in Adam, we share in his fall and in his condemnation.
- Sin causes us to be under God’s condemnation—1 John 5:17a
Sin causes us to be under God’s condemnation. Condemnation creates a distance and a barrier between us and God. The law represents God’s righteousness, making absolute demands on man. The demand of the law confines the sinner under condemnation.
- The condemnation of the conscience—1 John 3:20
God governs the universe, and the conscience governs our heart.
Whenever we are wrong in some way either with God, with man, or even with ourselves, our conscience condemns us. You stole something and lied, but your conscience makes you uneasy and causes a feeling of guilt; this is the condemnation of the conscience. In their conscience, many people are afraid of God and dare not think about Him.
Many people have tried to suppress their conscience. They can be at peace for a short while; nevertheless, when they are alone at night, the sense of unrest rises up again.
[Give some examples of unrighteous acts in their daily lives that can cause them to be condemned.]
Whatever the conscience condemns, God also condemns. God’s condemnation exceeds the condemnation of the conscience. For example, when a man is condemned by a police station, he is also condemned by the country.
- God’s judgment
Condemnation seems to follow judgment, but the Bible shows us that we are condemned first and then judged…The fate of the judged ones will be eternal suffering in the lake of fire.
“The lake of fire is the final dwelling place for the devil with his angels and for all the sinners and everything that is contrary to God.” (Crucial Truths in the Holy Scriptures, vol. 6, ch. 8, “The Lake of Fire”)