Artistic Expression
Week 55
We can create art that is three-dimensional, such as sculpture or pottery
Artistic expression is the use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be thought of or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of color, forms, sounds, or words. Only man was created by God with the ability to imagine and then express his thoughts in various creative ways. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the ways that we can express ourselves artistically. (Drawing, painting, music, sewing, etc.) Artistic expression is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.
On the other hand, animals are not capable of imagining or creating based on forethought. It is possible to get some animals to make a picture, but only after they have been trained to make certain strokes using certain colors. Any form of art is not inherent in the animal kingdom. You do not see them creating art in their own environment.
Point to emphasize
We have been given the ability to use our imagination to create sculpture or pottery.
Reference reading
“And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying, See, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom and with understanding and with knowledge and with all kinds of workmanship, To fashion skillful designs, to work in gold and in silver and in bronze, And in the cutting of stones for setting and in the carving of wood, to work in all kinds of workmanship.” (Exodus 31:1-5)
Sample content and conversation with children
- NOTE: Remind the parents BEFORE the meeting that the children are supposed to bring the clay sculptures they made during the week. They should also have some playdough or clay to use for today.
- You can begin by asking the children, “Did you all make something from clay this week? I hope you have them here for us to look at today.” Then have each one show what they have made and talk about them as they show what they made.
- You can have some samples of sculpture or pottery to show them and comment on the many different shapes and uses. You can talk about the process you went through to make it: how you thought about what you wanted to make (something useful or something just to be admired) like “I want to make a cup or I want to make a flower vase”, how you thought about what materials you would need (e.g. clay, paint, etc.) and gathered them, and how you started making something that matched what you were thinking about by making the form of a round cup or a square vase, etc. You can show them the pictures of pottery [picture #1] made by children (e.g. cups, flower vase, etc.).
- You can say, “there are so many different ways we can use clay in a creative way. God created us this way! He gave us the ability to use our imagination and our hands to make many beautiful shapes!”
- Some people believe that cows can make sculptures with a big block of salt. Ranchers/Farmers give the salt blocks to cows as a way to give them extra nutrients [show picture #2.] When they lick a block, a design is left in the cube [show pictures #3-4.] Do you think this is art? NO! Do you think the cow imagined or thought about what it wanted to design and then began licking? No! It just happens by chance [emphasize this point.] The cow did not design it! They just lick and lick and lick but they are not thinking about making art. They are just licking it because they like the taste.
- But we are not the same as cows! We can use our imaginations to design and create sculptures and pottery in all different shapes and sizes. “I’m so glad God created me in such a special way that I can create and design and make beautiful and useful things!”
- God has already done the best designs. He knew what He wanted to do, then He considered how to do it. Our faces are just an example of His handiwork. We have two eyes just where they should be, with a nose pointing down. And a mouth turning upwards at each end. God made us wonderfully!
- You can end by singing the song again (with the adjusted lyrics).
Hold out your hands [Suggestion: serving ones can change the lyrics of the song to match the lesson. Ex. catch a ball, open a can, make a sculpture too]
Suggested activities
- Zoom activity: Can play a guessing game where the serving one takes play doh or clay and makes something while the children try to guess what it is (e.g. a snow man, a snail, a dog, etc.)
- In-person activity or activities to do at home: can make one of the sculptures from pictures #5-8.
Pictures that can be used in the lesson and also activity ideas for home
#1: Pottery made by children
#2: Salt block for cow as extra nutrients
#3: Designed left on salt block when cow licked the ice block (1)
#4: Designed left on salt block when cow licked the ice block (2)
#5: Sculpture made with toothpicks and playdoh
#6: Sculpture made using paper
#7: Sculpture made using cut straws
#8: Sculpture made using ice and plants