Pre-school Topics, Block 6, Week 52: We can use paint to create or express something we feel or see

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Artistic Expression

Week 52
We can use paint to create or express something we feel or see

Artistic expression is the use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be thought of or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of color, forms, sounds, or words. Only man was created by God with the ability to imagine and then express his thoughts in various creative ways. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the ways that we can express ourselves artistically. (Drawing, painting, music, sewing, etc.) Artistic expression is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

On the other hand, animals are not capable of imagining or creating based on forethought. It is possible to get some animals to make a picture, but only after they have been trained to make certain strokes using certain colors. Any form of art is not inherent in the animal kingdom. You do not see them creating art in their own environment.

Point to emphasize
We have been given the ability to use our imagination to create a painting.

Reference Reading
“For we are His masterpiece…” (Ephesians 2:10a)

“And He has filled him… with wisdom, with understanding, and with knowledge, and with all kinds of workmanship; Even to fashion skillful designs…He has filled them with wisdom of heart, to work all kinds of workmanship…” (Exodus 35:31-35)

Sample content and conversation with children

NOTE: Remind the parents BEFORE the meeting that the children are supposed to bring the paintings they did during the week.

  • Today we are going to see that we can use our imagination to create a painting.
  • Last week we all worked on some paintings. Let’s see what you all did. [Have each child show their picture. As they show their picture, ask the children specific questions about their paintings.] What colors did you use? How did you decide what you would paint? Why did you paint an animal, or people or a mountain?
  • Whenever we are given a piece of paper and some paint, immediately we begin to think about what we want to paint, what colors we will use. We imagine what we want to paint, and then we try to paint it! Let’s see some other paintings. [Choose 3 pictures from the pictures below of the different ages (pictures #1-12). Have the children tell you about each one.] What are the paintings about? Do you feel happy when you see it? Which painting is your favorite? Why? It is quite amazing all the beautiful paintings people have done!
  • God is the best artist! Look at all the colors and shapes He used in creating things. [Show pictures of flowers, sunsets, etc. (pictures #13-18.)] And He has given us this ability and the imagination to make beautiful pictures in the same way.
  • There is no animal that can do this. [Show picture of a sea lion (picture #19.)] This is a sea lion. A sea lion by itself in the ocean would NEVER go looking for a brush, canvas, and paint because it wanted to create something! [Show picture below of sea lion painting (picture 20.)] Some people, at some aquariums or zoos, have trained some sea lions to hold a paintbrush in their mouth. They’ve trained them to do this by feeding them. Then the trainers hold a canvas in front of the sea lion, and the sea lion strikes the canvas with the paintbrush. The sea lion is only doing what it has been trained to do, just like any other trick people trained it to do. But, is that how YOU made your paintings? No!! No one had to teach you a trick! God made you with the ability to use your imagination and create a painting!

Oh, I’m just too young to drive a car
God put them there

Suggested activities

Follow the color: Begin with 2 papers of different colors (ex. red and blue). Give a command for each color. For example, if you show the red color paper the children need to clap, and if you show the blue color paper they need to jump. Alternate showing each paper. After a minute, or when the children follow the commands easily, add another color with an additional command. See how many colors/commands you can add so that all the children can follow.

Stage 1: (Preschool Age)
#1: Painting made by a Preschooler (1)
#2: Painting made by a Preschooler (2)

Stage 2: (Elementary Age)
#3: Painting made by an Elementary age child (1)
#4: Painting made by an Elementary age child (2)
#5: Painting made by an Elementary age child (3)

Stage 3: (High School)
#6: Painting made by a High Schooler (1)
#7: Painting made by a High Schooler (2)
#8: Painting made by a High Schooler (3)
#9: Painting made by a High Schooler (4)

Stage 4: (Adults)
#10: Painting made by an adult (1)
#11: Painting made by an adult (2)
#12: Painting made by an adult (3)

Sample pictures of things created by God:
#13: Things created by God (1)
#14: Things created by God (2)
#15: Things created by God (3)
#16: Things created by God (4)
#17: Things created by God (5)
#18: Things created by God (6)

#19 Sea Lion
#20: Sea Lion and trainer

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